Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 257 Don't Make Me Say The Second Chapter

Chapter 257 Don't Make Me Say It Again

Yao Yuxing slowly closed his heavy eyes, and with trembling hands, he slowly pulled down his trouser chain, and the trouser chain was pulled open.

It was the first time for Yao Yuxing to look at it so closely, which made her feel pantothenic acid in her stomach.

In the past three years, she has been bullied by such ugly things, and even made her plant a bad relationship.If it wasn't for it, she probably wouldn't have to endure so much pain.

Although Tang Yichen couldn't see her face clearly, he could feel his heat source being stared at by a pair of eyes full of desire.

Yao Yuxing watched, the sour gas in her stomach welled up in her heart, she couldn't help but turned sideways, and vomited.

In the past, no matter how excessive his request was, she would not dare to refuse him even half of it. Even if she felt disgusted, she would have to grit her teeth and finish it.Because in front of him, she has no dignity or the right to say no.

Can only be at the mercy of him.

Looking at her actions, Tang Yichen's face turned black, and Junyan twitched a few times, distorting ugly.

He was irritated by her actions, he quickly tied up his trousers, bent down, reached out to lift her up, and asked coldly: "Yao Yuxing, did I make you feel so disgusted! Don't forget , you’ve been in my bed for three years! It’s been three years, what else have you done? Now you’re pretending to be pure?”

He was completely irritated!Shame that I have never had before is breeding in my heart!

He lifted Yao Yuxing's thin body and swayed from side to side, her cheeks were already wet with tears, she was crying silently.

His cruel words made her feel cold.How could he say such cruel things to her?
This time, no matter what he said, she didn't have any strength to resist.

She can't accept him anymore, his approach will only make her fear.

"Yao Yuxing, no matter what happens, one day, I will let you kneel down and lick it clean for me willingly!" After Tang Yichen said, he pushed her on the bed, and he walked out of her room with a sullen face.

"Do you really take yourself seriously? I know the harm I have caused you, so I want to keep you and make some compensation to you. It's fine if you don't appreciate it. There's no need to deceive my feelings here !"

What she did just now made him very excited!Since she pulled down his trouser chain, she still made a look of vomiting to him, which really puzzled him!
This woman deliberately made him angry!

If she doesn't want to, don't tease him!

Tang Yichen slammed the door and left with great strength, the sound of slamming the door was so loud that the whole villa could be shaken.

Even the servants who were working were startled when they felt the shock.

And Shangguan Jinhuan was sulking in the room, even thinking about how to deal with Yao Yuxing.

The sudden sound from upstairs pulled her back from her thoughts.

Did something happen upstairs?
Shangguan Jinhuan hesitated for a moment, walked out of the room, and when he reached the stairs, he bumped into Tang Yichen who was coming down the stairs.

When Shangguan Jinhuan stepped on the air, he fell backwards.

"Brother Chen!" Shangguan Jinhuan grabbed Tang Yichen's clothes and called him.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Tang Yichen hurriedly stretched out his hand to clasp her waist and stabilized her.

On the contrary, Shangguan Jinhuan pretended to be frightened, and quickly hid in Tang Yichen's arms, "Brother Chen, you scared me to death! I was so afraid that I would fall."

"You are safe now, let go." He had a cold expression on all the women except Yao Yuxing.

Shangguan Jinhuan refused to follow her, and rubbed against Tang Yichen's body with her proud chest, trying to arouse his desire.

"Brother Chen, I'm really scared!" She simply reached out and hugged Tang Yichen's strong waist.

"Shangguan Jinhuan, let go! Don't make me say it a second time!" Tang Yichen said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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