Chapter 262
After the family doctor stopped the bleeding of Yao's mother, he said to Yao Yuxing: "Miss Yao, your mother's condition is very serious, and you have to watch her 24 hours a day. If it wasn't for her, I don't know when she would do something to hurt herself. At present, The important thing is to let her remember that you are the 'little fish' she said."

"Doctor, why doesn't my mother even remember me?" Yao Yuxing put down her mother's cold hand, stood up, and asked.

"Miss Yao, I don't know what happened to Mrs. Yao. It's hard for me to make a judgment. It's best to take Mrs. Yao to the hospital for an examination." The family doctor wiped his hands and said to Yao Yuxing.

"Doctor, based on your experience, do you think my mother will recover completely if she receives treatment?" Yao Yuxing didn't want her mother to suffer any more.

"It depends on Mrs. Yao's will. No one can say for sure about these things." The doctor glanced at Yao's mother, shook his head and said, "Besides being mentally disturbed, Mrs. Yao seems to have suffered some kind of injury. I'm afraid to come into contact with other people."

"Thank you." Yao Yuxing looked at his mother a little helplessly.

Too many things have happened recently, and she hasn't sorted them out yet, and now her mother has an accident again, which makes her very worried.

"By the way, Ms. Yao, do you have sisters or sisters? According to common sense, if a person is insane, he won't even recognize his own children." The family doctor asked uncertainly.

Yao Yuxing was startled, turned his eyes away from Yao's mother and landed on the family doctor, frowned and said: "My mother and I depend on each other for life. My mother must have been frightened and couldn't recognize me for a while."

Yao Yuxing is also afraid, she is also worried that she is not her mother's daughter.

But if she wasn't mother's daughter, whose daughter was she?

The family doctor's words aroused Shangguan Jinhuan's interest. She listened, as if she had heard some big news, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

"Xiaoyu, your knees are bleeding!" After Aunt Li cleaned up the scene, her eyes just fell on Yao Yuxing's knees. Seeing the blood on Yao Yuxing's knees, she said worriedly, "Doctor, give Xiaoyu some help too." Treat the wound so it doesn't get inflamed."

"Sister-in-law Li, I'm fine. The most important thing now is that my mother is safe and sound." Yao Yuxing clasped his palms together, praying.

"Xiao Yu, why do you always think about others, and don't think about yourself?" Aunt Li took the medicine and cotton swabs, helped Yao Yuxing to sit down, and treated her wound herself.

"Sister-in-law Li, I don't need to trouble you." Just as Yao Yuxing was about to dodge, he bumped into a cotton swab dipped in the liquid medicine in Mrs. Li's hand, and a cool and tingling sensation made her gasp.

"Don't move around. If you don't take care of it properly, you will easily get an infection." Aunt Li pressed Yao Yuxing's legs to keep her from moving around.

In the end Yao Yuxing sat obediently on the sofa and let Aunt Li treat her wound.

"Sister-in-law Li, let me do it." Suddenly, a discordant voice circled above Yao Yuxing and Mrs. Li.

Yao Yuxing and Mrs. Li looked up at the same time, looking at Shangguan Jinhuan standing aside, not understanding what she was going to do.

"Miss Shangguan, let me do these things, and you don't need to get your hands dirty." Aunt Li said with some embarrassment, she remembered that the young master called her to protect Yao Yuxing and her family, and don't let Shangguan Jinhuan hurt them.

"Sister-in-law Li, I want to drink stewed bird's nest, you go and stew it for me." Shangguan Jinhuan snatched the cotton swab from Mrs. Li's hand and ordered impatiently.

"Miss Shangguan!" Aunt Li looked at Shangguan Jinhuan nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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