Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 271 I Don't Argue With You Anymore

Chapter 271 I Don't Argue With You Anymore

The two hugged each other at night, Yao Yuxing didn't dare to irritate him with harsh words, because she knew that as long as it wasn't something he couldn't figure out, he wouldn't drink.And he drank because of her.

She sighed softly, and told herself in her heart, let's be willful for the last time, and take it as compensation for the harm he caused to him, and to thank him for taking care of Nian Xuan and his mother.

"Tang Yichen, I promise you that I will never argue with you again." Yao Yuxing's voice floated gently in the air.

Tang Yichen took a deep breath, he had waited for a long time for these words, now that she gave him a definite answer, his hanging heart was relieved.

"Okay, you go to bed first." Tang Yichen let go of her and said softly to her.

Yao Yuxing froze in place, then reached out to pull him who was about to leave, she frowned lightly, and said to him: "Tang Yichen, from now on, don't drink anymore."

"Well, I'll listen to you." Tang Yichen nodded, raised his hand and pressed the back of her hand, and said softly.

"Then go take a shower and rest early." Yao Yuxing said softly.

Tang Yichen was very obedient, after he left the room, Yao Yuxing walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the night scene outside, but had mixed emotions in his heart.

Too many things happened today, and she didn't know whether what her mother said was true or false.

If she wasn't mother's daughter, whose child was she?
Yao Yuxing was puzzled, and wanted to ask her mother what was going on, but she couldn't bear to see her mother in pain, so she kept the question in her heart.

Suddenly, she felt a warm and humid feeling behind her, and a burst of bath fragrance lingered around her.

After Tang Yichen took a shower, he passed her room and pushed open the half-hidden door. Through the moonlight, he saw her standing in front of the French window, so he pushed the door open and walked towards her involuntarily. hold her.

He could feel that her body became stiff because of his embrace, but soon softened, and she turned her back to him, silent.

"Xiaoyu, what are you thinking? Why aren't you sleeping?" Tang Yichen asked softly.

"Can't sleep." Yao Yuxing didn't know the situation, and he didn't dare to tell Tang Yichen about it.

Tang Yichen turned her around, looked at her with his head down, and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"It's nothing, I'm just upset and can't sleep." Yao Yuxing stopped talking, met his eyes, and landed on the bed, looking at the sleeping Nian Xuan, "I'm really worried about Nian Xuan's situation."

"You just need to stay by Nian Xuan's side every day and take good care of him. For the rest, I'll let Du Lingheng follow up." Tang Yichen rubbed her hair and said softly, "Go to sleep now." .”

"Okay, you go to bed early too." Yao Yuxing nodded and said slightly.

Yao Yuxing walked to the bed, and when she was about to lie down, Tang Yichen also climbed onto the bed.

She looked at his movements in puzzlement, and asked with frowned, "Tang Yichen, what are you doing?"

"I'm tired, of course I'm going to bed." Tang Yichen climbed onto the bed naturally, lay down beside her, he stretched out his hand, patted her, and said to her: "Sleep, you used to Don't you like to use my hands as pillows when you sleep?"

Yao Yuxing looked at him, thinking about sleeping in the same bed with him, her face turned red all of a sudden, all the way to her neck and ears.

Fortunately, it was night, so he couldn't see her blushing. If it wasn't, she wouldn't be ashamed to death?
"Stop moaning, if Nian Xuan is woken up later, we won't be able to sleep anymore." Tang Yichen said.

"But, we..." Yao Yuxing hesitated, although she said she was letting herself be self-willed for once, she still wasn't so close to him.

(End of this chapter)

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