Chapter 274 Nobody Can Hurt Me

"Old man, what do you mean?" Grandma Tang was upset when she heard what Grandpa Tang said, "How dare you say that the child is good because of their relationship?"

Shangguan Jinhuan frowned and asked, "Grandma Tang, what is the relationship between Yao Yuxing and Brother Chen? Besides being the mistress of Brother Chen, does she have any other relationship?"

"No, no!" Grandma Tang said hurriedly, her face paled.

"My wife, if you want to stop Yichen from loving anyone, stop it, but remember not to hurt the innocent." Grandpa Tang stopped turning the jade and stood up slowly.

"Dad, where are you going? Haven't you had breakfast yet?" Seeing Grandpa Tang getting up and leaving the dining table, Mother Tang quickly stood up and looked at Grandpa Tang's figure.

"Eat, I'm full!" Grandpa Tang said roughly.

"Tsk! This old man, why are you so angry! I showed my face so early in the morning. Is it wrong for me to do this?" Grandma Tang looked at the figure of Grandpa Tang leaving, feeling angry in her heart. , nothing goes right.

"Mom, don't be angry. Dad may not have an appetite. You can eat breakfast." Mother Tang said to Grandma Tang with a smile. Mother Tang gave Shangguan Jinhuan a look, signaling her to persuade Grandma Tang to eat.

Shangguan Jin comprehended, and hurriedly apologized to Grandma Tang, saying, "Grandma Tang, it's all my fault that made you unhappy. I shouldn't have come early in the morning to cause trouble for you. It's all my fault." No, Grandma Tang, eat breakfast quickly, don't starve yourself."

Grandma Tang reached out and patted Shangguan Jinhuan's hand, and said, "Jinhuan is still sensible!"

After Grandma Tang finished her breakfast, she sat for a while, then asked the driver to prepare the car, and took Shangguan Jinhuan to the manor.

At this time, Tang Yichen had already gone to work in the company, only the servant and Yao Yuxing's family were left at home.

When Grandma Tang's car arrived outside the manor, Aunt Li was cleaning on the second floor. When she saw it, she didn't have time to inform Tang Yichen, so she quickly put down her work and ran to Yao Yuxing's room.

"Xiaoyu, Mrs. Tang is here!" Mrs. Li stood on the spot and stomped her feet back and forth, "This Miss Shangguan is really not a cheap lamp! I thought she couldn't live here any longer, so I went home! But I didn't expect that she went to the Tang family's mansion to file a complaint!"

"They came as soon as they came, nothing to be afraid of." Yao Yuxing also heard the sound of the car.

"Xiao Yu, why don't we call and tell the young master!" Aunt Li said while pulling Yao Yuxing.

Yao Yuxing shook his head and said, "Sister-in-law Li, he has an important meeting today, don't tell him about this trivial matter, I can handle it by myself."

"But..." Aunt Li was still very worried.

"Sister Li, it's okay, no one can really hurt me, and this is Tang Yichen's place, if they hurt me, Tang Yichen will not let them go." Yao Yuxing said lightly.

In fact, she had no idea, because Tang Yichen respected his grandma very much, if his grandma did something to her, she couldn't guess whether he would help her.

"Little fish, then you have to be more careful. Mrs. Tang doesn't allow you to be with the young master, and now that Shangguan Jinhuan is allowed to live here again, she must want you to leave the young master completely," Aunt Li said. .

"Sister-in-law Li, thank you." Yao Yuxing said to Mrs. Li, "Sister-in-law Li, my mother seems to be very afraid of seeing Grandma Tang, please help me watch my mother later, and don't let her see Grandma Tang."

"Well, okay." Aunt Li nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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