Chapter 281 You Will Be My Wife
"Tang Yichen, the more you reject me, the more I want to marry you." She will use her means to completely disappear Yao Yuxing from their sight.

"Don't dream." Tang Yichen said coldly, and then led Yao Yuxing and the others out of the room.

Tang Yichen asked Mrs. Li to take Yao's mother and Nian Xuan to the next room, while he brought Yao Yuxing into his room.

"Little fish, come and sit down." Tang Yichen brought the medicine kit and treated the wound on Yao Yuxing's face.

Yao Yuxing was covered in wounds, Tang Yichen was terrified, and there was a trace of resentment in his voice, "Why are you sitting on the ground so stupidly and being beaten? Are you a masochist?"

"If I dare to fight back, Shangguan Jinhuan will ask the servant to pinch Nian Xuan. I would rather be beaten than see Nian Xuan get hurt." Because she fought back, Shangguan Jinhuan ordered The servant pinched Nian Xuan's body, and she saw that she no longer dared to fight back.

When she watched her mother and Nian Xuan being bullied because of her, her heart was pierced like a thousand arrows, and she always felt that she was so useless.

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me. I'll let grandma take Shangguan Jinhuan away later." Tang Yichen apologized.

"You don't have to say sorry to me, Shangguan Jinhuan is right, we are together, it is incest, we have to face up to this matter." Yao Yuxing reached out to grab Tang Yichen's wrist, looked at him and said, "Tang Yichen, what the hell What made you change your view of me? Before, you were full of resentment and annoyance towards me. Why do you treat me so well now? Even if you know that our relationship is impossible to be together, you don’t care about you My family insisted on keeping me by my side."

"Can you tell me what's going on? Why do you want to spoil yourself so much and make fun of your own group? If you let outsiders know that you are with your niece, those people will still be with Tang Do you have any contacts with your group?"

She thought that once such a scandal was exposed, the outside world would definitely question the corporate culture of the Tang Corporation, and even some rivals would take advantage of this opportunity to make a big fuss.

She didn't want to implicate him, she couldn't bear the responsibility and consequences.

From the attitudes of Grandma Tang and Mother Tang towards her, it can be seen how nervous the Tang family is about the reputation of the Tang Group, and more importantly, they are worried that Tang Yichen will end up on the road of no return.

"Xiaoyu, fate is so strange. At first we hated each other, but gradually I found that I couldn't do without you, and I couldn't even live without you. You know how I moved away from the manor these days. Did you come here?" Tang Yichen's throat moved up and down, "In the past, although we often quarreled, at least because of the arrival of you and Nianxuan, it added a little vitality to the manor, but after you left, it changed back to I can't feel your breath in that cold, warm shell."

"Xiaoyu, I will find a time to disclose our relationship. You will be my wife, and I will treat Nianxuan as my own son. I will never speak harsh words to you again, nor will I Let’s compare the past.”

Although his words were very touching, Yao Yuxing couldn't help frowning when he heard her. He still didn't understand her. Although he said that he treated Nian Xuan as his own son, he would not pursue the past, but , her heart is still agitated, she dare not and does not want to tell him the truth.

Therefore, she is destined to bear all the pain alone.

"Tang Yichen, there's no need for you to do this. If you really do this, you're destroying yourself! I don't allow you to do this! What's the matter, I'll take care of it alone!" Yao Yuxing urged quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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