Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 288 The head of the big financial group

Chapter 288 Top Ten Financial Groups
"Well, Yichen, don't worry, don't you worry about Uncle Lin's work? Should I send him back to the manor now, or send him to your office?" Manager Lin answered the phone.

Yao Yuxing was sitting in the back seat. Hearing what Manager Lin said, he hurriedly said, "Just take me back to the manor."

"Oh, I'm really sorry, Yichen asked me to take you to his office." Manager Lin put down the phone, looked back at Yao Yuxing and said.

Yao Yuxing frowned slightly, he asked her to go to his office, what was he going to do?
"Mr. Lin, I really appreciate your help today." Aunt Li thanked Broker Lin for his help.

"If you want to thank, just thank Ruonan, he made me do this." Manager Lin said with a smile.

"Thank you all! If it weren't for your presence and help, I think Xiaoyu has been surrounded by them until now." Aunt Li said softly.

"Xiaoyu, are you interested in entering the entertainment industry? This is an opportunity. With so many topics emerging, you will definitely become famous once you make your debut." Manager Lin said, "I will take care of the later packaging. "

"This can't be done!" When Mrs. Li heard that Manager Lin wanted Yao Yuxing to enter the entertainment industry, she hurriedly waved her hands and said, "Our young master doesn't like Xiaoyu showing his face in public."

"I was also asking for Xiaoyu's opinion. Without her nod and Yichen's approval, we would not have dared to pay her attention." Manager Lin said regretfully, "I have been a manager all my life, and I most want to create A pair of golden boy and jade girl, now that there is a golden boy, only a jade girl is missing."

"Mr. Lin, I see many celebrities on TV are very beautiful, and now there are no more beautiful female celebrities on the street." Mrs. Li said in a low voice.

"Those female stars are all fake charts. They don't meet my standards for jade girls at all, and Xiaoyu is the best candidate. If Xiaoyu is willing to enter the entertainment industry, I will definitely build Ruonan and Xiaoyu to become the new generation There are not many companies in the entertainment industry that attract money, such as the Golden Boys and Jade Girls, which will surpass the Huanxing Film and Television Company under the Tang Corporation."

Broker Lin was talking to himself, but he didn't know what he said wrong.

"Broker Lin, what did you just say? Huanxing Film and Television Company belongs to the Tang Corporation? The Tang Corporation you mentioned belongs to Tang Yichen?" Yao Yuxing asked with a glance.

"In the entire capital, there is a second Tang Corporation?" Manager Lin looked in the rearview mirror, saw that Yao Yuxing's face was a bit ugly, and asked, "Xiaoyu, are you alright?"

Yao Yuxing frowned deeply, why was she so timid to apply for a job, but didn't know that she had joined his company to apply for the job?She is so stupid, no wonder he mentioned to her that she signed a contract with Huanxing Film and Television Company, which turned out to be his subsidiary company.

Has his industry expanded into the entertainment industry?You must know that the Huanxing film and television company gathers all domestic and foreign first-line movie stars.

When the car arrived at the Tang Group Building, Yao Yuxing was amazed at the magnificent, resplendent and unparalleled high-rise buildings.

Looking around, the Tang Corporation is like a university town.

Manager Lin looked at Yao Yuxing's surprised eyes and explained, "Xiaoyu, you can tell from your expression that you don't understand Tang Yichen's business at all, right? This place is not too big."

"This, isn't this big? This place is bigger than a university town." Yao Yuxing had never seen such a huge and imposing workplace.

"This area, this area, is all owned by the Tang Corporation. The headquarters of the Tang Corporation is in Western Europe. The Tang Corporation is the top ten financial groups in Western Europe." Broker Lin said boastfully.

What Manager Lin said is true, the Tang Corporation is so huge that no one can estimate its structure.

(End of this chapter)

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