Chapter 29
"Yichen, she didn't accept our money at the beginning, and we also asked her to have an abortion. A few days later, she did give a certificate of abortion issued by the hospital. We didn't take her seriously at all, so we didn't How inquisitive. But we didn't expect that she didn't have a miscarriage at all, but used a fake certificate to fool us! This woman's city is very deep, and her daughter must not be so innocent." When Cen Lixiang was talking, she looked at her. To Tang Yichen, he said in a deep voice: "By the way, Yichen, I remember that the report said that you bought her with money three years ago, don't you see that she loves money like her mother! Hurry up!" End this injustice!"

"Grandma, if I say no." The indifferent voice revealed a trace of coldness and danger.

Cen Lixiang trembled, looked at Tang Yichen's expressionless handsome face in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice, "Yichen, what are you talking about! You would rather insist on being with Yao Yuxing than bear moral ethics?"

"Grandma, Yao Yuxing is just an ordinary woman, she's not my cousin's daughter, it's you who see the wind and rain!" Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes, the black eyes were deep, and the light in the bottom of the eyes made people suffocate.

Cen Lixiang shook her head and sighed, waved her hands and said, "Your grandfather and I mean that Yao Yuxing will never appear within the range of the Tang family. If necessary, we will send her abroad!"

Hearing this, Tang Yichen clenched his fists tightly, and the creaking of joints could be heard in the silent air!His dark eyes sank, a ray of light flashed across, and it fell deeply on grandma's body. His low and cold voice revealed a hint of order: "You dare!"

"Yichen, we are the elders, this family is up to us! But you can only accept it!" Cen Lixiang said every word, when she met Tang Yichen's deep and bottomless eyes, she couldn't understand why. The ground trembled, but when she thought about Yao Yuxing's embarrassing identity and the extra son beside her, she was shocked, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab Tang Yichen's arm, and said heavily: "Yichen, tell me, Nian Xuan Is it your son?"

Tang Yichen half-closed his black eyes, remained silent, and just looked at grandma lightly.

"Yichen, why did you do such a foolish thing?" Cen Lixiang's hands trembled violently, she couldn't control the hands holding Tang Yichen's arms, her nails dug deeply into Tang Yichen's skin, "Yi Chen Chen, what should we do now! How do you deal with such a thing? If you let outsiders know about the incest between you and Yao Yuxing, what will you do to the Tang family!"

It's all Yao Yuxing's mother, that bitch, who actually kept such a trick!
"Did Yao Yuxing's mother arrange for you to get to know each other? She knew about Yao Yuxing's relationship with the Tang family, so why did she let you stay together?" Cen Lixiang shifted the responsibility to Yao Yuxing's mother.

"No! All of this is because I pestered Yao Yuxing, and I bought her at a high price." Tang Yichen's throat twitched twice, and his gaze suddenly turned to the French window.

"Are you still playing this kind of trading game? Yichen, when will you really let go of this trick! Every woman has dignity. If you imprison other people's freedom and life like this, it will only make them physically and mentally worse." Both are hurt." Cen Lixiang is very fond of this grandson, even if he did something wrong, he didn't dare to speak too seriously, "Also, haven't you always been unable to let go of Qin Suya? If Qin Suya knew that a woman stayed by your side for so many years and let her bear your son, how sad would you say she would be."

(End of this chapter)

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