Chapter 305 Can't Talk
"Dr. Du, don't you want to call the Tang family? I'll take care of the patient." The nurse hurried forward and said, "The patient wakes up and is thirsty. I'll give her some salt water."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Du Lingheng said politely.

Du Lingheng picked up the phone and informed Tang Yichen that Mrs. Li had woken up.

After receiving the call, Tang Yichen told Yao Yuxing the news.

Yao Yuxing was too excited to speak, she stepped forward and took Tang Yichen's hand, and asked excitedly, "Is it true? Then let's go to the hospital now!"

"Well, good!" Tang Yichen said with his arms around her.

When Yao Yuxing heard that Mrs. Li had woken up, she burst into tears with excitement. She didn't even take her coat, so she opened it and went out.

"Xiaoyu, put on your clothes first! Don't be cold!" Tang Yichen shook his head, hurriedly took a coat of Yao Yuxing from the closet, and followed, "Xiaoyu, don't run so fast!"

Before leaving the room, Tang Yichen asked the housekeeper to prepare a car for him.

As soon as he got downstairs, the butler had already parked the car at the gate.

At this time, Shangguan Jinhuan also came out, and she asked, "Brother Chen, are you going to the hospital? Is Mrs. Li awake? I want to go too! You can't be so selfish. Now that Mrs. Li is awake, I also want to follow to see the situation! When Mrs. Li wakes up, it's time to prove my innocence!"

She said, opened the door of the back seat, and got into the car on her own.

Tang Yichen originally wanted to tell Shangguan Jinhuan to get out of the car, but Yao Yuxing stopped him: "Yichen, it's important to go to the hospital now! Don't delay! She is also a victim, now that Mrs. Li is awake, she has the right to at the scene."

After hearing what Yao Yuxing said, Tang Yichen had no objection, and after locking the car door, he drove away.

Shangguan Jinhuan sat in the back seat, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart. She looked at Tang Yichen and turned her head to look at Yao Yuxing from time to time. She couldn't see Yao Yuxing's expression, but she could guess Yao Yuxing's current situation from Tang Yichen's expression and movements. Must be very nervous!
Tang Yichen suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Yao Yuxing's hand, and whispered, "Xiao Yu, your hand is so cold, do you feel so cold?"

"Tang Yichen, I'm fine." Yao Yuxing's soft and boneless little hands were held by Tang Yichen.

Tang Yichen turned up the temperature of the heater a little.

"Brother Chen, it's very hot here, don't turn on the air conditioner so high." Shangguan Jinhuan said coquettishly because she didn't want to do what Yao Yuxing wanted.

"If you feel hot, I'll pull over and stop." Tang Yichen said coldly, but he never glanced at Shangguan Jinhuan.

"Brother Chen, after seeing Mrs. Li, you will regret treating me like this! At that time, you will know who is the vicious woman! You always think that a pure woman is actually only on the surface, but on the inside It's so rotten..."

"Shut up!" Tang Yichen interrupted Shangguan Jinhuan coldly.

"Tang Yichen, I'm not cold." Yao Yuxing said, and reached out to lower the temperature of the air conditioner, she smiled at Tang Yichen.

"Xiao Yu, you don't need to care about the opinions of outsiders." Tang Yichen raised his brows and said lightly.

"Concentrate on driving, I'm fine." Yao Yuxing pursed his lips and smiled.

When they arrived at the hospital, Du Lingheng regretfully told Tang Yichen, "Yichen, although Mrs. Li woke up, she couldn't speak. We tried many times, but she couldn't express herself completely." In a word."

"What's going on?" Tang Yichen asked with a frown.

"Yichen, let's not disturb Aunt Li's recuperation for now, she just woke up and needs time to get used to it." Du Lingheng said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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