Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 307 Are You Protecting Her, Or Harming Her?

Chapter 307 Are You Protecting Her, Or Harming Her?
"Grandma, what are you talking about?" Tang Yichen frowned slightly, looked at grandma coldly and said.

"Yichen, this is the only way, neither side will be harmed, and Mrs. Li is out of danger now, there is no loss." Grandma Tang looked at Tang Yichen's dark face, her heart trembled.

"Grandma, do you know what you're talking about and what you're doing? If you saw how Sister Li was threatened by others, you wouldn't say that. Although Sister Li is a servant of our Tang family, she is also human. It is also dignified, there is nothing wrong with her exchanging labor for what she deserves, we should not look down on them." Tang Yichen frowned deeply, and said coldly: "Grandma, if you want to persuade me to hurt Xiaoyu, Sorry I can't do it!"

As Tang Yichen said, he turned around and left.

And these truths, it was only after he got to know Yao Yuxing that he deeply understood the true meaning of them.

Although Yao Yuxing has many minor problems, she taught him many things that she could never learn in her life.

"Yichen, if you confess Shangguan Jinhuan, don't blame grandma for being cruel to Yao Yuxing. If you dare to disobey me, I will make Yao Yuxing unable to live a normal life for the rest of his life!" Grandma Tang looked at Tang Yichen indifferently. The tall figure said ruthlessly.

This grandson had to let her say such cruel words before he could face up to the problem.

Hearing this, Tang Yichen's body froze, he turned around slowly, exuding a cold air all over his body, "Grandma, if you dare to hurt Yao Yuxing's hair, you will regret it forever! Besides, she is my woman, you want to hurt her , first step on my body! If not, you don’t want to touch her hair!"

When Tang Yichen was talking, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he gave Tang's mother a cold look, "Mom, grandma is getting old, and you still let her mess around here! How long are you going to make trouble? Close hand!"

Tang's mother stepped forward, looked up at her stubborn and stubborn son, and said, "Son, we should be the ones to ask you this question, how long will you have to play with that deformed relationship with Yao Yuxing before you stop playing it?" !"

"Mom, I didn't play! I'm serious! No matter what she is, I don't care! I will use my whole life to protect her!" Tang Yichen lowered his eyes and stared at his mother coldly.

"Yichen! I'm your mother. When you make this kind of decision, have you ever thought about the elders in the family, have you thought about our feelings? How do you let us accept Yao Yuxing's embarrassing identity?" Mother Tang cried bitterly He said, "I really have no way to raise my son! How did I give birth to such an unfilial son like you! What a crime!"

"Okay! Mom! If you want to make a scene, go home and make a scene!" Tang Yichen said coldly, unmoved.

"Yichen, you will regret making this kind of decision! If you don't follow grandma's advice, Shangguanming will definitely not let it go!" Mother Tang shook her head and said, "Shangguanming is a narrow-minded person. If his daughter is wronged, then he will also hurt the people you care about more, are you protecting Yao Yuxing, or are you harming Yao Yuxing?"

"Those laws are all nonsense, you don't know! If you can use your connections to bring out a woman surnamed Yao, then Shangguan Ming can also make Yao Yuxing and the others hurt." Mother Tang snorted coldly, "Son, even if You have evidence to prove that Shangguan Jinhuan did these things, so what?"

"Grandma is right. The woman surnamed Yao is a mental patient. As long as she hurts others, she won't be convicted. You just need to do some ideological work with Mrs. Li, and everything will be easy, isn't it?" Mother Tang looked at Tang Yichen said calmly with that cold and handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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