Chapter 31 She is my woman
She didn't know what relationship she could have with the Tang family, but she didn't want to have anything to do with the Tang family either!She just wanted to escape from here, but Tang Yichen was not willing to let her go no matter how much she begged, instead he used his son's illness to threaten her to be obedient.

Tang Yichen like this made her feel terrified and fearful, she didn't know how long she could last, as long as she felt Tang Yichen's aura, she could feel the danger constantly coming to her.

And the conversation in the study became quieter and quieter, so low that she couldn't hear what they were talking about at all.

In the study, Grandpa Tang stepped forward, calmed Grandma Tang's emotions, and said in a low voice, "No one would have thought of such a thing happening, and I believe Yichen also doesn't want such a thing to happen. We are not blindly blaming Yichen now. Chen and Yao Yuxing's children, but try their best to find ways to make up for these mistakes."

Grandma Tang looked back at Grandpa Tang, "My wife! Why are you getting more and more confused the more you live! This is related to the rise and fall of the entire Tang family! And there is no doubt about the relationship between Yao Yuxing and the Cen family! When her mother left , she is indeed pregnant, and we also did a DNA test on her fetus, and it is indeed my brother's flesh and blood! But I didn't expect that vicious woman to endure all the humiliation and pain, and gave birth to Yao Yuxing! "

Just when Yao Yuxing was about to turn around and leave, he accidentally bumped into the vase beside him and made a noise, causing a deep voice in the room:


When Yao Yuxing was about to turn around and find a place to hide, the heavy door was opened from the inside, and she was caught!

She felt a strong force strangling her wrist, she lowered her head and dared not look at him, she tried hard to force her tears back, she must not shed tears in front of him!
"Yichen, who is outside?" At this moment, Cen Lixiang's voice came out, and then Cen Lixiang came out, her eyes fell on Tang Yichen holding Yao Yuxing's wrist, her opening tone was mixed with a trace of coldness and haste , "Yichen, let her go!"

As if Yao Yuxing was some kind of virus, Cen Lixiang stepped forward and insisted on pulling the hands of the two of them.

And Tang Yichen turned sideways, stretched out his arms, and landed his big palm firmly on her slender waist, "Grandma, Yao Yuxing was mine three years ago, now he is, and he will be in the future! Don't think that I will Let her go!"

"Yichen, are you crazy! What do you want to do! Ziyao let time heal her like that. If Ziyao knows that your elder brother has fallen into an unethical relationship because of her, she will I will be distressed and sad." Cen Lixiang watched her grandson make such a decision with eyes full of astonishment, she was really terrified, "Yichen, the gift you gave grandma is really shocking enough ah!"

"Yichen, believe it or not! You have to leave this woman! You are not allowed to have any contact with her in the future! As for Tang Nianxuan, I will let someone deal with it!" Grandma Tang sternly shouted.

A cold light flashed in Tang Yichen's eyes, he stared coldly at Grandma Tang, and then said: "Grandma, without my permission, neither of you can touch their mother and child casually!"

"Yichen, what on earth do we need to say before you break up with this woman! What's so wrong with her that she makes you so obsessed!"

(End of this chapter)

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