Chapter 311

"Tang Yichen, how could you let the police handle this matter so hastily? You also know that there is a problem, why did you cover them up? You will only indulge them even more by doing this!" Yao Yuxing was held in his arms , while she raised her fist and hit him on the back, "Why are you covering up her behavior!"

"Yao Yuxing, have you had enough trouble! Sister-in-law Li said that she accidentally fell down, so why did she rely on me? Do you think that you will lose to me, so you want to borrow money from Mrs. Li?" Get rid of me and make me disappear in the Tang family forever?" Shangguan Jinhuan watched Yao Yuxing being embraced by Tang Yichen, she clenched her fists tightly, and rushed forward on impulse, trying to pull them away.

"Shangguan Jinhuan, don't be shameless! If you tell you to get out, get out!" Tang Yichen protected Yao Yuxing with his body, and shouted at Shangguan Jin coldly and angrily.

Shangguan Jinhuan was taken aback for a moment, and she looked at Tang Yichen in a daze, "Brother Chen, no matter what the reason is, I am the most suitable woman to be with you, and she is nothing but a woman who will bring you happiness." Endless troubles, but also a stumbling block that hinders your progress!"

"What kind of woman is suitable for me, it's your turn to tell me here?" Tang Yichen raised his eyebrows coldly, and cast a cold glance at Shangguan Jinhuan, "Even if Xiaoyu is not suitable for me, you are even more unsuitable for me!"

For a woman who has no feelings, he doesn't need to show his warmth to cause misunderstanding.

And he also knows that Yao Yuxing is very sensitive to feelings, as long as she is given wrong information, she will only get into the corner by herself, and she can't even get out, and gets deeper and deeper.

"Brother Chen, you will regret it if you are with her! You are together, it is an immoral thing! You will even be condemned by the world!" Shangguan Jinhuan stepped forward, reached out to pull Tang Yichen's clothes, and relaxed He lowered his voice, and begged Tang Yichen: "Brother Chen, don't treat me like this. I have never done anything wrong to you. You can't treat me like this. Why would you rather accept someone who has given birth to another man?" Women, don't you want to accept me who is innocent? I guard myself like a jade for you, if she can give you, I can do the same. "

"I believe I can do better than her! I will serve you better than her." Shangguan Jinhuan took a deep breath and said hastily.

"Shangguan Jinhuan, you're disgusting if you don't stay here! I'm not interested in you, don't waste your time on me! I can't give you what you want!" Tang Yichen shook off Shangguan Jinhuan's hand, coldly said.

"Brother Chen, do you really want to treat me like this? What did I do to you that you want to treat me like this?" Shangguan Jinhuan staggered a little after being pushed by Tang Yichen, but she steadied her footsteps After that, looking at Tang Yichen with a sad face, he asked with a choked voice.

"Shangguan Jinhuan, I don't want to say too much. If anyone wants you to marry into the Tang family, you can go to her and give you a title!" Tang Yichen said lightly: "Anyway, I left all the words here, you Make as much trouble as you like, but if you break my bottom line, don't blame me for not warning you!"

And his bottom line is Yao Yuxing.

"Hmph!" Shangguan Jinhuan was so angry that she scratched her hair, screamed, and ran out of the ward.

Coming head-on, she bumped into someone.

"Miss Shangguan, I have followed your instructions. Why did Mr. Shangguan ask the hospital to expel me and cancel the opportunity for me to study abroad?" The person who bumped into Shangguan Jinhuan was wearing a nurse's uniform Nurse, she asked when she saw Shangguan Jinhuan.

(End of this chapter)

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