Chapter 316

"Jin Huan, you also know that the Tang family is the top ten financial leaders in Western Europe. In our country, let alone, when I heard the old lady Tang talk about Tang Yichen's marriage, I said that our family Jin Huan is quite suitable. Being able to become in-laws with the Tang family is not only for our Shangguan family, but also for other big bosses, whoever has a daughter in the family, no matter whether they are adults or not, will bring them to Grandma Tang for a look." Shangguan Ming drank Sipping his coffee, he said, "This old lady Tang, after considering various factors, finally chose you."

Shangguan Jinhuan was a little happy when she heard that, because she was the candidate who stood out from the crowd.

In this way, she is the best candidate who has the best chance to marry Tang Yichen.

But no matter what, she couldn't stand that little bitch Yao Yuxing occupying Tang Yichen.

"By the way, just now you said that woman Yao Yuxing called Tang Yichen her uncle? That little bastard really belongs to Tang Yichen? Is this news true?" Shangguan Ming asked with a frown.

"Father, this is true. Yao Yuxing's mother told me that Yao Yuxing is her and Cen Minghua's flesh and blood, and Su Qingqing also reported to me the DNA of Tang Yichen and that little wild species. I have read them all, and I can't be wrong." Shangguan Jin Huan looked at Shangguan Ming and said in a calm voice.

After hearing the words, Shangguan Ming was silent for a long time, and finally said to Shangguan Jin Huan: "Jin Huan, you have to get close to this kid and win his favor."

"Father! How can you let me play with a little wild species? I can't wait to drive them out of the big manor now!" Shangguan Jinhuan frowned deeply, and said dissatisfiedly, "That little wild species, pretending to be sick, I don't know if he was ordered by his little bitch's mother to win Tang Yichen's sympathy!"

"You don't understand! Do whatever your father tells you to do. If you still want to marry Tang Yichen, just listen to your father and win the favor of that little bastard. It will be good for you." Shangguan Ming narrowed his eyes slightly She rolled her eyes, "If it's possible, this little bastard might become a chess piece for our success. As long as you marry Tang Yichen and give him a white and fat son as soon as possible, your status in the Tang family can be assured." Sure!"

"Dad, why is this? This little bastard is so seriously ill, and I don't know when to leave. I don't want to waste time on him." Shangguan Jinhuan's eyes fell on her nails, and the frown became more and more serious Deep, then she looked at Shangguan Ming and said, "I won't try to curry favor with him, there's no need for that!"

Shangguan Ming patted Shangguan Jinhuan on the shoulder, and persuaded, "Think about it, this old lady and they don't even know that Nianxuan is a descendant of their Tang family. If one day old lady Tang finds out, she will definitely not want to." How can she bear such a deformed relationship? What's more, she will worry that if you know about Nianxuan's relationship, you will definitely not accept it. But you usually have a good relationship with him. That's right, the old lady is also seeing it, and she must feel ashamed of you. This makes your image even more deeply rooted in the heart of the old lady Tang, understand?"

"Father, when I think about him being Tang Yichen's son, there is a thorn in my heart that I can't get rid of! Looking at him, it reminds me of how many nights Tang Yichen and Yao Yuxing have had an affair? "Shangguan Jinhuan said with teeth marks, a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.

Not long ago, she caught them making love in the room!If she doesn't come in to stop him, the horror is that Tang Yichen has already been bewitched by Yao Yuxing!

What ability does that woman have to make Tang Yichen fall in love with her?
(End of this chapter)

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