Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 331 Turns Out to be an Old Acquaintance

Chapter 331 Turns Out to be an Old Acquaintance

"It's okay, kid Nianxuan is right. Ms. Yao is indeed very beautiful. Tonight, you didn't pay attention, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, all eyes are on you. This is enough to prove that Ms. Yao is the most beautiful woman." Beautiful." Su Qingqing said with a smile.

The corner of Yao Yuxing's mouth twitched slightly, she was not very used to these words of praise.

And she didn't know what Su Qingqing was doing here. If she remembered correctly, Su Qingqing was Shangguan Ming's woman, so she must have something to do with Shangguan Jinhuan.

She doesn't like anyone who is related to Shangguan's family.

"Little fish." Su Qingqing suddenly changed her address, "Can I call you like this?"

"Well, yes." Yao Yuxing was startled, nodded and said.

"You can call me Qingqing." Su Qingqing looked at Yao Yuxing, and asked in a concentrated voice: "Xiaoyu, you look very much like my high school classmate, and her name is Yao Yuxing."

Yao Yuxing looked at Su Qingqing suspiciously, "Isn't it because of Shangguan Jinhuan's relationship that you can call me by my name?"

"Although I have heard Shangguan Ming and his daughter mention you, but I, an outsider, dare not ask more about them." Knowing that Yao Yuxing still did not recognize her, Su Qingqing bowed her head and sighed, facing Yao Yuxing Said: "Do you still remember Senior Cao Baida?"

"Senior Cao Baida?" Yao Yuxing read the name slowly, frowning, "Are you really my high school classmate?"

"Yeah! You and I are still in the same class, but you never like to play with others, you are always alone. In this way, you only have friends with senior Cao Baida. The two of you got too close, so we broke up with him." Su Qingqing recalled the past.

"I'm sorry! Are you the girlfriend of Senior Cao Baida? Don't get me wrong. Senior Cao Baida and I are neighbors. It's just that he changed schools later, and we never saw him again." Yao Yuxing thought of Senior Cao Baida, and felt a little regretful: "Cao Baida The senior has helped me a lot, and I haven't even said thank you to him, where is the senior now?"

Every time senior Cao Baida waited for her to come home from school, he would tell her about his girlfriend. In Cao Baida's mind, his girlfriend was his goddess.

But, how could Su Qingqing be with Shangguan Ming?Also became his woman?
What about Senior Cao Baida?
Su Qingqing was stunned, lowered her head and said, "We broke up not long ago. He met other women abroad, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Qingqing, what's going on between you and Shangguanming? I heard from Tang Yichen that Shangguanming is a pervert, why are you with him?" Yao Yuxing could feel something from Su Qingqing's expression, "Qingqing, you Was it forced by Shangguan Ming?"

"No, I did it voluntarily." Su Qingqing's face was not very good-looking, "It's because I don't have the ability to live a good life, so I sold my body in exchange for all these glory and wealth. Although Shangguan Ming is not good , but he was the first man to give me glory and wealth."

"What about senior Cao Baida?" Yao Yuxing asked in a low voice, "I'm sorry for the misunderstandings you caused in the past. I didn't know that getting too close to senior would hurt you."

"No, no, your appearance didn't hurt me. On the contrary, he likes you, the sister next door, but he didn't have the chance to introduce us." Su Qingqing quickly waved her hand, "He often mentioned to me that you are a Kind and lovely sister."

Su Qingqing stared at Yao Yuxing. Yao Yuxing's overall temperament was really like the fairy spirit described in the book, with a trace of non-human fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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