Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 337 Daddy, I want to kiss too

Chapter 337 Daddy, I want to kiss too
Yao Yuxing didn't withdraw, but shook his head, these two people are indeed his own father and son, if not, why even the tone and attitude of molesting people are the same?
She had no choice but to kiss Nian Xuan's mouth and face. Nian Xuan seemed to feel that it was not enough, so she acted like a baby: "Daddy, I want to kiss too!"

Tang Yichen was taken aback, he didn't expect Nian Xuan to let him kiss, he hurried over, exchanged glances with Yao Yuxing, and then kissed Nian Xuan on the cheek.

"Daddy and Mommy kiss Xuan'er's face together, okay?" Nian Xuan blinked his starry eyes at Yao Yuxing and Tang Yichen, and said childishly.

Yao Yuxing looked up at Tang Yichen, and after seeing him nodding, he kissed Nian Xuan.

But when they were kissing Nian Xuan at the same time, Nian Xuan played a trick and turned into Tang Yichen and Yao Yuxing kissing each other mouth to mouth.

The two were taken aback for a moment, and then sighed secretly in their hearts: What a bad boy!

However, Tang Yichen liked Nian Xuan's thoughtfulness very much, and even gave Nian Xuan a thumbs up and a thumbs up!

Of course Tang Yichen didn't want to disappoint Nianxuan's expectations of him, he held Yao Yuxing's face and kissed it passionately.

"Tang Yichen, Nian Xuan is watching!" Yao Yuxing's face flushed red!
This bad man only bullies her!
"Mommy, keep going, Xuan'er pretends you didn't see it!" Nian Xuan clapped his little hands and kept talking.

Seeing Daddy and Mommy getting along so harmoniously, Nian Xuan was overjoyed, and even felt extremely happy.

In the past, in his eyes, Daddy and Mummy would have endless quarrels every day, and he was so afraid of losing one of them.

It's all right now, Daddy and Mummy have such a good relationship, they will definitely not be separated again.

"Stinky boy, don't talk nonsense!" Yao Yuxing patted Nian Xuan's little PP.

"Daddy, Mommy hit my little PP, it hurts." Nian Xuan quickly reached out to hug Tang Yichen's body, coquettishly said.

"Did Nian Xuan want Daddy to hit Mommy's PP too?" Seeing Nian Xuan sticking to him, he really thought that Nian Xuan was the son born between him and Yao Yuxing.

Regardless of whether Nian Xuan is his son or not, he will raise Nian Xuan and even give him paternal love.

"Yes, but Daddy don't hurt Mommy." Nian Xuan nodded.

"Don't worry, Daddy will gently and gently hit Mommy's little PP for you tonight, and avenge you, how about it?" When Tang Yichen said these words, a pair of shining black eyes locked tightly. Looking at Yao Yuxing's body, he took the two blushes on her face into his eyes.

Yao Yuxing was a little sad, "Nian Xuan, were you born by me or by him? You actually let an outsider bully Mommy?"

"Daddy is not an outsider. Daddy is a man who loves Mommy. He is Nian Xuan's daddy." Nian Xuan shook his head to correct Yao Yuxing's words.

"Look at you, even Nianxuan is sensible, why are you so ignorant? Dare to be in your heart, I'm just an outsider who has nothing to do with you? Even if I'm an outsider, I'm still your uncle, right?" Tang Yichen squeezed her His jaw tightened, and sparks flashed in his eyes, and he said through gnashing of teeth, "I wanted to let you go at night, but now it seems that you are doomed."

Yao Yuxing frowned, looked at him and said, "Don't bully me all the time!"

"Why did I bully you?" Tang Yichen hugged Nianxuan from Yao Yuxing's arms, then stretched out his big hand, and hugged her in his arms, leaning towards his lips, raining kisses on her face On, "bullying like this? Don't you like me bullying you like this?"

"Tang Yichen, stop making trouble! I just surrender!" Yao Yuxing's expression changed because of his actions, and he quickly raised his hands in surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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