Chapter 341
"Of course it was you, the little fairy, who cured me. Before, I was done in a few minutes, but after I met you, my confidence has returned. It seems that what they said is true. It's true that women can heal Xiongfeng, and I have to thank you." Shangguan Ming bit her tip.

"Hmm, Ming, you tickle me." Su Qingqing raised her head.

"Where is it itching? Is it here? Do you need me to tickle you?" Shangguan Ming's body trembled when he heard it, and he reached out his hand to move between her legs, and slightly separated them.

"Well, it's itchy there too. If you don't help me relieve the itching, I won't let you touch me in the future." Su Qingqing played with her temper.

"Hey, you still dare to threaten me now?" Shangguan Ming said, and then relieved Su Qingqing's itching.

"Ming, are you hungry? There are still grapes in the refrigerator." Su Qingqing hooked Shangguan Ming and said.

"When did you learn it so badly?" Shangguanming regained his composure, patted Su Qingqing's face and said, "You really understand men's minds more and more. Go, I'll wait for you here."

Su Qingqing smiled, put on Shangguanming's clothes, and went downstairs.

She suddenly burst into tears. Since she had chosen such a life, she had to pretend it to the end.She has already lost Cao Baida, and next, she will soon lose her long-lost good friend, Yao Yuxing.

Tang Yichen took Yao Yuxing to a high-end restaurant for dinner.

"Daddy, is this our family's candlelight dinner?" Nian Xuan asked, looking at the lit candles and beautiful flowers on the dining table, baring his teeth.

Tang Yichen stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Nianxuan's soft hair, "If Nianxuan likes it, Daddy will often bring you out in the future."

"Yes!" Nian Xuan shook his feet, clapped his little hands, and said happily, "Long live Daddy!"

"Hush!" Yao Yuxing made a gesture to silence Nian Xuan, "Nian Xuan, be good, Daddy doesn't like other people yelling while eating. Nian Xuan sits obediently and eats well, you know ?”

Tang Yichen's face darkened, "When did I say that I don't like yelling while eating?"

It depends on the person, if it is Yao Yuxing and Nianxuan, he will be happy to let them appear in this noise.

"Don't you dislike this?" Yao Yuxing frowned. In the past, whenever she said a word at the dinner table, he would interrupt her with the words 'Don't eat or sleep'.

So regarding his living habits, she secretly paid attention to it, for fear that she would do something that would make him unhappy.

"I'm afraid I won't be happy when I eat and talk, so you don't worry that I will be unhappy if you take the child away?" Tang Yichen took Nianxuan's steak and cut it into small pieces for him, "What do you like to eat Nianxuan?" , Tell daddy, daddy asked the chef here to cook it for you."

Tang Yichen gently pushed the cut steak to Nian Xuan, and handed Nian Xuan a fork.

Then he took Yao Yuxing's plate of steak.

Seeing this, Yao Yuxing quickly reached out to grab the plate, "Tang Yichen, I'll do it myself, I'm not a child."

"In my eyes, you will always be a child, and I will serve you." Tang Yichen gave Yao Yuxing a wink, motioning her to let go.

But Yao Yuxing had no choice but to let Tang Yichen cut the steak for her.

She had nothing to do, so she took Tang Yichen's steak and cut it for him.

After the two cut it, they pushed it in front of each other.

Yao Yuxing ate the steak that Tang Yichen had cut for her, feeling very happy in her heart, a feeling of happiness overflowed deep in her heart.

Moreover, this harmonious atmosphere made Yao Yuxing forget all his troubles and his relationship with Tang Yichen for a while.

At this time, the three of them ate together, like a very happy family of three.

(End of this chapter)

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