Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 352 I'm Worried That Something Will Happen To Him

Chapter 352 I'm Worried That Something Will Happen To Him
After a few rings, someone picked up the phone.

"Yichen, I'm Yao Yuxing! I'm safe now, where are you?" Yao Yuxing said hurriedly as soon as he connected, before he had time to say hello.

"Stop pestering my brother! The next time I see you, I will kill you! Bad woman!" A sharp voice came, shaking Yao Yuxing's eardrums.

"Miss Tang Ziyao, please give him your phone, I have something to tell him!" Yao Yuxing choked up and said into the phone.

"I won't give my brother the phone!" Tang Ziyao said, and hung up the phone!

"Ziyao, whose phone is it? Did your brother find that woman Yao Yuxing?" Grandma Tang closed her eyes and rested her mind. When she heard the voice, she opened her eyes and asked.

"Grandma, it's nothing. Someone called the wrong number and scolded me!" Tang Ziyao quickly put away her phone and walked towards Grandma Tang.

She had just taken two steps when the phone vibrated again. Tang Ziyao looked down at the caller ID, and it was that woman calling again!

She didn't even listen this time, just hung up the phone!
"Ziyao, who called you?" Grandma Tang asked again, "You answered it, maybe someone else has something to do."

When Tang Ziyao's phone vibrated again, she said to the phone, "You really made the wrong number! You are so annoying, man! Believe it or not, I'll have someone kill you!"

"Miss Tang Ziyao! I want to know where Tang Yichen is now?" Yao Yuxing asked on the phone.

Her right eyelid kept twitching, her heart beat faster, she seemed to vaguely feel that something happened to Tang Yichen!
"Crazy! Where did so many crazy people come from! They say you made the wrong number!" Tang Ziyao simply turned off the phone this time.

"Ziyao, did you really make the wrong number?" Grandma Tang asked.

Tang Ziyao nodded: "It's really a wrong call."

"But you are holding your brother's phone." Grandma Tang said, pointing at Tang Ziyao's hand.

Tang Ziyao hurriedly put away the phone, "It's my brother's phone, I'll charge it first, I want to play games."

As Tang Ziyao said, she ran out to ask the nurse for a charger.

And Tang's mother has been waiting at the entrance of the hospital, but she never expected Tang Yichen to come back!
Seeing Tang Ziyao hanging up on her phone repeatedly, Yao Yuxing felt more and more panic in her heart!
In a hurry, she quickly tried to call Ye Kaiwen again.

As soon as Ye Kaiwen received the call, before Yao Yuxing could speak, he said, "Little Yuyu, is that you? I didn't bring my mobile phone with me yesterday. When I got off the plane today, my colleague told me that a girl called me. I'll call back." At that time, an aunt said that a girl named Yao Yuxing called me!"

"Little Yuyu, where are you now?" Ye Kaiwen finally asked.

"Ye Kaiwen, I'm in XXX Hospital now. Tang Yichen and I got lost, and I'm worried that something will happen to him!" Yao Yuxing didn't know who to talk to about his fear!
"Don't worry, just call him and ask where he is!" Ye Kaiwen said, "I'll go there right away! You wait for me there, don't go anywhere!"

"I called him, but his sister kept hanging up on me. I was so worried that something would happen to him!" Yao Yuxing held the phone with trembling hands.

"I'll help you find him! Calm down first, take care of Nianxuan, and don't let anything go wrong!" Ye Kaiwen's flight happened to encounter the strongest air current, and he relied on his years of flying experience and concentration , landed safely!
Because his mind at that time was full of Yao Yuxing's innocent and bright little face!

He told himself that he must land safely, protect the passengers, and let himself go back to find her intact!
Unexpectedly, after getting off the plane, he also received a call from her. While waiting for her call, his heart was full of torment!
Now that he knew she was there, he was relieved at last!

Ye Kaiwen drove in the direction of Yao Yuxing.

(End of this chapter)

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