Chapter 399 Going to Church


Yao Yuxing fed Nian Xuan a good breakfast, and after she finished eating, she was about to get up and leave when a burst of hurried footsteps came from upstairs.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yichen appeared in front of her like a bolt of lightning, and said to her, "Yuyu, wait for me for a minute!"

As he said that, Tang Yichen picked up the leftover bird's nest porridge from Nianxuan and drank it down!

"Hey! Tang Yichen, that's Nianxuan's leftovers..." Yao Yuxing crawled over with black lines all over his face, looking at this man's behavior, she really didn't know what to say about him.

"Well, let's go!" Tang Yichen put down the bowl, picked up the folded napkin, wiped the corner of his mouth, looked at Yao Yuxing and said.

Yao Yuxing frowned and looked at him suspiciously: "Where are you going?"

"Church." Tang Yichen said two words.

"Tang Yichen, are you alright..." Yao Yuxing looked at Tang Yichen's actions, a little puzzled, quickly reached out and put his hand on Tang Yichen's forehead, and then put the other hand on his own forehead, the body temperature was about the same.

"I said, I'll accompany you to the church." Tang Yichen took her hand, looked at her and said deeply, then picked up the bag she was about to take out.

The next moment, he also hugged Nian Xuan by the way.

He walked a few steps, and found that the woman behind him hadn't followed, so he looked back at Yao Yuxing and said, "Let's go? If you don't go earlier, there will be no place to sit later."

It was only at this time that Yao Yuxing hurriedly followed up.

She followed behind Tang Yichen, staring at the back of his head with suspicious eyes all the time, wanting to see what happened.

"I just want to spend more time with you to do what you want to do." Tang Yichen could understand her doubts without looking.

As soon as the words fell to the ground, Yao Yuxing was even more shocked. Her suspicious eyes fell on his face, "Tang Yichen, what did you dream about last night?"

"I dreamed of a fairy last night. She told me in a dream that someone really wanted me to accompany her to church." Tang Yichen also cooperated with her question.

"Pfft—" Yao Yuxing laughed when he heard the words, "Can't you find a better reason? Who would believe such a crappy reason?"

"This is the real reason." He said calmly and seriously.

"Tang Yichen, what have you been thinking these days?" Yao Yuxing asked.

"I miss you." Tang Yichen said without hesitation.

"I'm sick!" Yao Yuxing spat, and then completely ignored him.

"Think you are all sick?" Tang Yichen sighed helplessly.

"I'm not sick, I'm not sick!" A childish voice broke the silence.

Hearing this, Tang Yichen gave a low laugh, stretched out his hand to rub Nian Xuan's hair, and said, "Nian Xuan, be good."

"Daddy, I've always been so good, why did you accompany me and Mommy to church today?" Nian Xuan asked in a low voice.

"Because Daddy wants to pray for Nianxuan with Mommy." Tang Yichen replied softly.

"Good! Good!" Nian Xuan clapped his hands and cheered.

Yao Yuxing didn't answer, but looked out of the window.

The car was parked in the church parking lot.

The principals of the church are foreigners, and the nuns are from various countries or local people.

When Yao Yuxing got out of the car, a nun who knew her came forward to say hello, "Miss Yao, today is Sunday, are you here to pray?"

"Well, yes, is Sister Mary there? My son is clamoring to see Sister Mary." Yao Yuxing asked.

"Oh, I just want to go to Sister Mary to do my homework. Let me help you take kid Nianxuan there." The nun said, and when she saw a tall and handsome man walking towards her, she asked, "Miss Yao, Is that the father of little boy Nianxuan?"

Yao Yuxing froze for a moment, followed the nun's gaze and turned around, only to see Tang Yichen coming from the parking lot.

(End of this chapter)

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