Chapter 402 Is Very Useful

"Well, yes, he is my son." Yao Yuxing nodded and said softly.

"I really envy you. You should be about the same age as me. You have a son by your side. You should have a husband who loves you very much, right?" , "My name is Xiao Mustard, what is your name?"

Yao Yuxing was a little startled, "My name is Yao Yuxing."

"The name is quite interesting. So, you are your husband's good medicine?"

"Ah?" Yao Yuxing looked at the woman who claimed to be Xiao Mustard in puzzlement.

"Houttuynia cordata is a medicinal herb, it's very useful..." Little mustard said.

"I'm not Houttuynia cordata, I'm the starry star in the sky." Yao Yuxing explained.

"Hehe, I mean the same thing." Little mustard said with a smile.

"Miss Duanmu, your parents asked me to talk to you, it's time to go back." A man walked over and said in front of Xiao Mustard.

The smile on Little Mustard's face stopped, and he said to the driver, "Wait for me for a while."

Then she walked up to Nian Xuan, "Little brother Nian Xuan, sister Little Mustard is leaving first, let's play together again when we have a chance."

"Okay, goodbye sister Little Mustard!" Nian Xuan waved.

After Xiao Mustard left, Yao Yuxing also left with Nian Xuan in his arms.

"Let me hug Nianxuan." Tang Yichen watched Yao Yuxing hugging Nianxuan, and took the initiative to hug Nianxuan. He took her to the parking lot. Before he drove away, Yao Yuxing also lowered the car window , happened to be seen by Bai Binghe.

Bai Binghe watched Yao Yuxing sitting in the passenger seat, and as the car drove further and further away, Bai Binghe felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, like the pain of parting.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" Little Mustard walked towards Bai Binghe and asked in a calm voice.

Bai Binghe regained her composure, shook her head and said, "No, nothing."

"Then get in the car, Dad is urging us." Little Mustard stretched out his arm to hold Bai Binghe, and walked towards the black car.

After getting into the car, Xiao Mustard sat between Bai Binghe and Duanmuze. She reached out and took her parents' hands, and then said gratefully: "Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me the best life in the world. Did not abandon me."

"Silly boy, you will always be a good boy to your parents." Bai Binghe heard Xiao Mustard say this, and hurriedly stretched out her arms to hug Little Mustard.

"But because of me, my parents lost their child..." Little Mustard said with a whimper, "Mom and Dad, thank you for not only not abandoning me, but also treating me after you found out the truth."

"Little Mustard is really a silly child. You are the child we raised. Even if you are not our own, the kindness of nurturing has created feelings. How can we be willing to abandon you?" Bai Binghe hugged Little Mustard's body tightly, "The joy you brought us."

"Mom, when you agreed to return to China this time, did you agree with what I did?" Little Mustard asked.

"Hey, as long as the hospital can guarantee your safety with us, I can consider agreeing." Bai Binghe said reluctantly.

"Mom, I was helping others. God will bless me safe and sound." Little Mustard said softly: "When I was very young, the doctor said I would not survive, but now I live more than three years longer What I am most afraid of is that if I leave suddenly and no one is with you, I will be uneasy..."

"Little mustard, stop talking, let's stop talking." Duan Muze said hurriedly, "The main purpose of our return this time is to find that child, and then our family of four will go back to live abroad together."

Little Mustard's body trembled slightly, she looked at Duanmuze with sobs, "Father, after you find your own daughter, do you still want me?"

"You are also our child, of course we want it." Duan Muze scratched Xiao Mustard's nose, "You little thing, stop thinking about it, your parents won't want you!"

(End of this chapter)

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