Chapter 417 Don't Like It
When Yao Yuxing was lying on the bed, he thought about many things, most of which were the days when he was with him.

She turned on her cell phone and checked the time. It was already ten o'clock, and he hadn't returned from the Tang family's old house.

It's just a meal, how could it take so long?

She found out his phone number, and when she was hesitating whether to call him, her phone suddenly vibrated, and looking at the screen, it was Tang Yichen calling.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she just swiped her finger and answered, "Hello."

"Little fish. I'm not going back tonight, you go to bed first." Tang Yichen's voice rang in his ears, he said that he would not be coming back tonight.

Shangguan Jinhuan said that he was the one who took her back to the Tang family's old house for dinner tonight, and they are all in the Tang's old house now and will not come back.

This has explained everything.

"Well, okay, then I'll go to bed first." Yao Yuxing held his breath and replied softly.

Yao Yuxing was about to hang up the phone, Tang Yichen urgently called out: "Xiaoyu..."

"Is there anything else?" Yao Yuxing bit his lip and asked hoarsely.

"Xiao Yu, don't think wildly, I won't accept Shangguan Jinhuan." Tang Yichen felt that he had to explain.

"Oh." Yao Yuxing just oh lightly.

"Little fish..." Tang Yichen felt very uncomfortable when he heard it. When she was unhappy, she would say "oh". They were just separated by a wireless, but he could feel her gloomy mood at this moment .

"Yichen, if there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

"Xiaoyu, are you unhappy?" Tang Yichen asked slightly.

"You feed me well, live well, wear well, and use well. I'm not unhappy." Yao Yuxing said lightly.

"Xiaoyu, look at you, you talk like this when you are unhappy." Tang Yichen lost to her, "I swear to you, I will definitely come back to you intact, you sleep well, and you will watch it when you wake up tomorrow morning It's my turn."

"Tang Yichen, I really have nothing to be unhappy about." Yao Yuxing sighed softly, "Tang Yichen, if there is nothing else, I'll hang up first, Nian Xuan fell asleep."

"Xiao Yu, good night." Tang Yichen said.

"En." Yao Yuxing said, and then turned off the phone.

Tang Yichen held the phone and pressed it tightly to his ear. He didn't put down the phone reluctantly until the phone rang a continuous beep.

When he was about to leave after eating, Duan Muze also appeared in the Tang family's old house.

Now things are scrambling.

Duanmuze was invited by Grandpa Tang.

In the middle, Duan Muze mentioned to him that if he wants his daughter to donate bone marrow to save his son, he must agree to his conditions.

After hearing this, Shangguan Ming slapped the table and angrily accused Tang Yichen of not paying attention to his daughter Shangguan Jinhuan.

Now the entire Tang family's old house fell into a stiff atmosphere.

"Yichen, what are you doing here in a daze? It's a mess down here, and you still have the heart to call that shameless woman?" Mother Tang came in and said displeasedly: "You and Duanmu Ze daughter, what is the relationship? Why can she save Nianxuan?"

"Yichen, I've told you, don't mess around! I don't like girls like Yao Yuxing, and I don't even like Duanmuze's daughter!"

Tang Yichen put the phone into the bag, then turned around, walked up to Mother Tang, looked into her eyes, and asked: "Mom, why were you so scared when you saw Duanmu Ze just now?"

"What am I afraid of!" Mother Tang's face was startled, she thought she was doing well, but she still didn't escape Tang Yichen's eyes.

"Mom, if I'm not wrong, you are not dad's first love, but Duan Muze's wife is dad's first love, right?" Tang Yichen said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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