Chapter 429
Tang Yichen held Yao Yuxing's pale face and gently wiped away the tears for her, his deep and dark eyes were full of pity.

Her tears, like the deadliest venom, caught him off guard.

When people are weak and helpless, as long as they are greeted and cared gently by the outside world, those weak tears will flow more unscrupulously.

Yao Yuxing leaned against Tang Yichen's strong and generous chest, sobbing softly, at this moment, she had no clue, she could only hug him tightly and rely on his strength.

"Binghe, why are you in the hospital? What happened?" A hurried and deep male voice sounded in the corridor, followed by a voice of doubt, "Little mustard, why is there so much blood on your body? Where did you get hurt?" ?”

"Aze, don't worry, it's not that we have something to do, it's Xiaoyu's mother who was injured, and Xiao Mustard and I took her to the hospital." Bai Binghe looked at the nervous Duanmuze who rushed over, and hurriedly explained ,"make you worry."

"Who is Xiaoyu?" Duanmuze asked curiously.

Bai Binghe pointed to the man and woman embracing in front of her, and said, "She is the little fish I mentioned to you."

At this time, Duan Muze looked in the direction of Bai Binghe's fingers, and what caught his sight was a cold and firm silhouette and a pitiful little face covered with tears.

"President Tang?" Duanmu Ze narrowed his eyebrows and blinked, as if he was afraid that he might be mistaken.

Tang Yichen heard a voice, turned his head and saw Duanmu Ze looking at him, he said indifferently: "Mr. Duanmu."

"Honey, how do you know him? Could it be that he is Tang Yichen of the Tang Corporation?" Bai Binghe's eyes fell on Tang Yichen in astonishment. He is so young, yet he is actually in charge of the entire Tang Corporation. He is really powerful.

"Binghe, Little Mustard wanted to donate bone marrow before, and that child is President Tang's son." Duanmuze's eyes sank, and he looked deeply at Little Mustard.

"What? Xiaoyu's son? How is it possible?" Bai Binghe couldn't believe this fact.

Yao Yuxing didn't talk about these things with her, let alone tell her that the child needs to have bone marrow replaced.

When she thought of Yao Yuxing not telling her what was on her mind, her heart felt as if it was blocked.

She walked towards Yao Yuxing's side, with a trace of discomfort in her eyes, "Little Yu, why haven't you mentioned your child to me?"

"Aunt Bai..." Yao Yuxing left Tang Yichen's arms, seeing Bai Binghe caring about her so much, her nose felt sore, "We are strangers, I don't want to tell you my worries and cause you unnecessary trouble. "

"Xiao Yu, what are you talking about? Aunt Bai really likes you and treats you as her own daughter." Bai Binghe pulled Yao Yuxing's cold little hand, "I will definitely help you with your son's matter." Yours, but we have to wait until Xiao Mustard’s physical condition is suitable for donating bone marrow, and we will discuss the operation arrangement with the doctor.”

When Yao Yuxing heard the words, tears welled up in her eyes, and her heart twitched even more. She choked up and said, "Aunt Bai, thank you! I don't know how to repay you for your kindness..."

"Binghe, are you stupid! How can you joke about Little Mustard's life! The doctor said that the risk is great for Little Mustard and that child, how can you hurt him so much just because you have met several times? His own daughter?" When Duan Muze heard that Bai Binghe had made a promise to Yao Yuxing, his face turned pale with fright, he rushed up to pull Bai Binghe away, and reprimanded him.

"Husband, Xiaoyu and I hit it off very well. Every time I see her, it can relieve my pain and longing for these years. Do you know how I got here from the bottom of my heart for so many years?" Bai Binghe looked at her. Duan Muze said with a firm face.

(End of this chapter)

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