Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 431 Change the original intention

Chapter 431 Change the original intention
Little mustard raised her watery eyes, "Dad, but I don't want you to worry about my marriage. I know who is suitable for me and who is not."

"You are my daughter, Duan Muze. You are more than enough to marry a prince of the royal family, so why can't you marry Tang Yichen?" Duan Muze asked puzzled.

Little Mustard looked at Duanmuze for a long while, then paused and said, "Father, don't you see that President Tang is Xiaoyu's husband? They also have a son, do you want me to interfere in their marriage and destroy them?" ?I am willing to donate bone marrow because I feel that I still have a little contribution to the world... For more than 20 years, my parents have been taking care of me. Since I was in junior high school, I have been accompanied by bodyguards and nanny. You and My mother was worried that something would happen to me, and she didn't let me do anything, and she took good care of me... But, being like this makes me feel like a failure!"

"Until I saw that my bone marrow was useful, I was very happy! Because I am not useless, my life is also meaningful, and I can help others."

Duanmuze's voice also started to choke. He looked at Xiao Mustard and asked, "Little Mustard, didn't you agree to donate bone marrow to the doctor because of the risk of surgery?"

"Dad, how can you miss me like this?" Little Mustard suddenly realized that her father had been insisting on not letting her donate bone marrow because she thought she wanted to leave in another way, so she put her arms around Duanmuze, "Dad, how could I I am willing to leave you! I just want to realize the value of my life..."

Bai Binghe looked at the father and daughter, and was also happy in her heart. She stepped forward and the family of three hugged each other. Bai Binghe patted Xiao Mustard on the shoulder, kissed her on the cheek, and said, "Son, thank you for being so sensible. , Mom is really lucky to have you."

Yao Yuxing stood aside, looking at such a warm picture of their family of three, feeling envious.

"Aunt Bai, Little Mustard, Uncle Duanmu, I, Yao Yuxing, will never forget your family's kindness to my family. Thank you!" Yao Yuxing bowed to them.

Duanmu's family are her benefactors, they not only saved her mother, but also saved her son.

"You are Yao Yuxing?" Duan Muze asked faintly when he heard the sound, his gaze fell on Yao Yuxing.

Yao Yuxing looked at Duanmuze with a serious expression, and felt a sense of awe in her heart. She stuttered in fear for a moment, "Duan, Uncle Duanmu, I am Yao Yuxing."

"Aze, don't be so serious, you will scare the little fish." Bai Binghe looked back and forth between Duanmuze and Yao Yuxing. She saw that Yao Yuxing was a little afraid of Duanmuze, so she quickly pushed Duanmuze. Said.

"Uncle Duanmu, thank you for your fulfillment." Yao Yuxing didn't know what to say, when she saw Duanmu Ze's eyes, she quickly lowered her head and whispered, her body also moved to Tang Yichen's side.

Duan Muze snorted softly: "It's useless if you want me to do everything, just look at President Tang's statement."

Tang Yichen, who did not speak from the beginning to the end, raised his eyebrows coldly when he heard Duanmuze's words, and his cold voice was unusually low, even colder than before: "Mr. Duanmu, the whole world, It's not just your daughter's bone marrow paired with my son's."

"Indeed, the world is so big, but you have waited for so many years to get my daughter's bone marrow. You can continue to wait, but what about the child? With this kind of disease, can he wait?" Duan Muze met Tang Yichen's cold face. With a sharp look in his eyes, he said: "We are all in business, and we never do business at a loss. If you want me to promise my daughter to donate bone marrow, you also have to promise me to marry my daughter."

Duanmuze's attitude seemed very firm, and he didn't change his original intention because of Xiao Mustard's words.

(End of this chapter)

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