Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 434 Lost Chapter Language Rights

Chapter 434 Lost the right to speak

"Xiaoyu, your affairs are my Tang Yichen's affairs. In this life, I will never leave you alone. I assure you of Nianxuan's illness, even if he loses everything, I will help you save him." Tang Yichen promised.

There was seriousness and firmness in his sincere eyes.

Yao Yuxing listened, her nose felt sore, she pressed her lips tightly, looked at Tang Yichen steadfastly, and said nothing.

There are no words to represent her mood at this time.

"Xiaoyu, your mother can't take care of you now, follow me back to Cen's house." A male voice came.

Yao Yuxing heard the words, and subconsciously hid beside Tang Yichen.

Tang Yichen turned back coldly, saw his cousin who was ten years older than him, and said in a deep voice: "Cen Minghua, she is my woman, do you think you have the right to take her away?"

Tang Yichen?
When Cen Minghua saw clearly that the man hugging Yao Yuxing was Tang Yichen, he was also taken aback, but he quickly recovered his natural expression.

"Yichen, Xiaoyu is my daughter, I have an obligation to take care of her." Cen Minghua said, then walked towards Yao Yuxing's side, trying to pull Yao Yuxing to his side.

Before Cen Minghua touched Yao Yuxing, Tang Yichen had already protected Yao Yuxing in his arms, blocking Cen Minghua's motives, raised his eyebrows coldly, and said coldly: "Be sensible, get out of here!"

"Yichen, how can I say that I'm also your cousin, you want my daughter to be ridiculed by you because you want the world to laugh at you? Do you know how much harm this will do to Xiaoyu?" Cen Minghua refused to be outdone. It challenged Tang Yichen's bottom line.

Tang Yichen's eyes darkened, "Where did you all go before? Have you ever thought that this is your daughter? Since you can't give her a sense of security, don't mess with her! Get out of here!"

"Yichen, I am Xiaoyu's father. Now her mother can no longer take care of her and her son. As her father, I have the right and obligation to take care of her, so I want to bring her and her grandson back to Cen's house." .”

Tang Yichen suddenly sneered, his piercing eyes fixed on Cen Minghua, as if he wanted to see through Cen Minghua: "You have the guts to bring Xiaoyu back to Cen's house? Cousin, can she tolerate you flirting outside? Some time ago, Xiaoyu After your identity was revealed, how does the Cen family think of you, and how does your cousin sister-in-law think of you?"

Cen Minghua was at a loss, but he absolutely could not let Yao Yuxing's bargaining chip fall into Tang Yichen's hands.

He asked the doctor just now, Yao's mother's condition is very dangerous, even if she survives this dangerous period, she will become a vegetative state.

Now that Yao's mother has become a vegetable, he is the only 'relative' who can control Yao Yuxing in this world.

"Yichen, she is my daughter, and it is not your turn to take care of her." Cen Minghua looked at Tang Yichen, "She is your nephew, how could you get involved with her? Yichen, even if my cousin begs you, Let her go, don't let her get deeper and deeper, your behavior will not only affect your future, but also bring Xiaoyu a bad reputation."

Tang Yichen looked at Cen Minghua. Although Cen Minghua was ten years older than him, he could see who Cen Minghua was at a glance.

Cen Minghua suddenly wanted to fight for Yao Yuxing's custody, which he found inconceivable.

When Yao Yuxing's identity was exposed, Cen Minghua evaded responsibility and even avoided the issue.

Now, if he suddenly changed his original intention, something must have happened, which made Cen Minghua change his mind.

"Hehe, you said that Xiaoyu is your daughter, so she is your daughter?" Tang Yichen snorted coldly, not paying attention to Cen Minghua's threat, "No matter what relationship she has with me, I won't mind, even if She is my own sister, and I will still be tempted by her."

Tang Yichen spoke domineeringly, with a few words, Cen Minghua lost the right to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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