Chapter 436
After watching them leave, Tang Yichen turned his eyes back, looked down at Yao Yuxing, and asked, "Xiaoyu, how did you know Mr. Duanmu's family?"

"We met in the church, and we hit it off very well with Aunt Bai, so we exchanged phone numbers. My mother had an accident, and they were the ones who sent me here for first aid." Yao Yuxing said softly.

"I'll take you back to rest first, and I'll send someone to guard here." Tang Yichen looked at Yao Yuxing's tired face, and said with his arms around her.

Yao Yuxing shook his head: "I'm going to wait here for my mother to wake up, I can't leave her anymore!"

"Xiaoyu, why don't you go back to Cen's house, I will take good care of you!" Cen Minghua interjected, "Dad knows his mistake, please give Dad a chance."

As Cen Minghua said, he stepped forward and held Yao Yuxing's hand, "I've really reformed myself now, and if it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have come here, Xiaoyu, no matter what, you are my daughter, and I won't let you You have been wronged."

Yao Yuxing didn't appreciate it, took Cen Minghua's hand away, and said coldly: "I really can't afford you Cen's family. Thank you for this blood transfusion, but I think this is what you should do to my mother. This is not enough!"

"Please go back! Just like before, just pretend we don't exist, and we won't blame you, because we have nothing to do with you."

Cen Minghua looked at Yao Yuxing with self-blame in his eyes.

"Xiaoyu, can you really not give Dad a chance?" Cen Minghua asked pleadingly.

"Mr. Cen, you are just a strange man to me! You are not qualified to be my father at all! When you abandoned us, you should know that no matter what happens, we will not recognize you Yes." Yao Yuxing held Tang Yichen's arm, looked at Cen Minghua, and said word by word, "Mr. Cen, even if my mother and I live on the streets, I will not ask you to do something for us, but I hope you don't. Don't bother us again, okay?"

Cen Minghua wanted to say something, but Tang Yichen blocked it with his hand: "Cen Minghua, don't think that because of the relationship between the two of us, I won't do anything to you! If you continue to pester Xiaoyu, don't blame me for being rude!"

Cen Minghua looked at Tang Yichen, "Yichen, I haven't settled with you for doing this kind of thing to my daughter! What is your intention to get involved in her like this! Tang Yichen, this is your cousin's daughter! What do you do? Can you treat us like this? I don't care if you do this, whether it ruins you or not, but you did ruin Xiaoyu's life!"

Tang Yichen's eyes darkened, "Cen Minghua, what's your plan, kid, don't let me find out!"

"I'm his father, and she's my daughter. What else can I do to her?" Cen Minghua's eyes flickered, as if he was avoiding something.

Tang Yichen's face was cold, but Yao Yuxing stopped her, and she said to Cen Minghua, "Mr. Cen, Yichen didn't ruin me, being with him is of my own free will, even if there is any risk in being with him, yes You pose no threat."

"But if people know that you are my daughter, things will become so easy to talk about! Xiaoyu, you are still young, so don't think things so simple." Cen Minghua said worriedly.

"Don't talk nonsense! I'm not your daughter at all!! If I say no, I'm not! My mother won't admit it, and neither will I!" Yao Yuxing said, taking a deep breath, "Yichen, you let him leave here, I don't want to see him!"

"Su Tezhu." Tang Yichen followed Yao Yuxing's instructions and asked Su Tezhu to invite Cen Minghua to leave.

Before leaving, Cen Minghua looked at Yao Yuxing and said, "Xiaoyu, I will do what I said, I will go back and discuss with them now, and let the Cen family accept your existence."

(End of this chapter)

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