Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 445 Whose Child Is In Her Stomach?

Chapter 445 Whose Child Is In Her Stomach?

"Minghua, who do you think is the child in Yao Yuxing's belly? Is it Tang Yichen's, or Tang Ziyao's ex-boyfriend Bai Che?" Zhao Xuehua asked, "You should tell me, I am very interested in this. "

Zhao Xuehua seemed to want to break the casserole and ask the end.

"Xuehua, didn't you say before that you don't want to care about Yao Yuxing's affairs, why are you interested now?" Cen Minghua drove the car and looked at Zhao Xuehua sideways.

"I'm just wondering, with Tang Yichen's temperament, it is impossible to tolerate other men's children, but not only did he not reject, but he also registered for Yao Yuxing's son. Do you think this is strange?" Zhao Xuehua felt Seeing that my curiosity was suddenly overwhelmed, "I really want to know these breaking news."

"Don't worry about other people's affairs. Now let Yao Yuxing return to Cen's house as soon as possible. If the woman surnamed Yao wakes up, nothing will be easy to handle." Cen Minghua said with a frown.

Zhao Xuehua was relentless. She looked at Cen Minghua for a while, and then asked, "Cen Minghua, how can you say that she is also your ex-lover, and you are really so heartless that you don't care whether she lives or dies? You are so heartless, I really don't care." What's more, I can't believe it, after all, you have an explanation for other lovers, not to mention that Yao gave birth to a daughter for you, you are so ruthless, it makes me feel chilling."

Cen Minghua sighed softly, looked at Zhao Xuehua and said, "Honey, thank you for your tolerance these years, I assure you, after winning the project that Duanmuze is in charge of this time, I will definitely accompany you and give you a stable life. I won't be looking for another woman."

"You can do what you say! Don't just open your mouth to say it!" Zhao Xuehua snorted softly, "Only I can tolerate your promiscuous character. Every time you play with a woman, you must I'll take care of the aftermath for you!"

"My wife, thank you." Cen Minghua said to Zhao Xuehua.

"Cen Minghua, I told you that I promised Yao Yuxing to return to Cen's house, but it doesn't mean that I will accept the daughter you had with a woman named Yao! I still remember that a woman gave birth to a child for you. Thinking about it, my heart is burning, and I even have the idea of ​​wanting to kill someone!"

Cen Minghua swore, "Xuehua, I assure you, I will never recognize them! What's more, she lives such a good life in Duanmu's family, how could she accept our Cen's family?"

"It's the best!" Zhao Xuehua looked out of the window and said dissatisfiedly: "Fortunately, this Yao Yuxing is not your daughter. If she is, I definitely don't want to come here to persuade her!"

"Xuehua, now Yao Yuxing is the most useful bargaining chip for our career. If you don't come to act with me, how can she believe that we really accept them." Cen Minghua drove the car back to Cen's house.

The housekeeper of the Cen family came out, saw Cen Minghua, and said, "Minghua, Mrs. Tang is here, waiting for you in the living room."

"What is Mrs. Tang doing here?" Zhao Xuehua asked after getting out of the car when he heard Cen Lixiang coming to Cen Minghua.

"Let's go in and talk about it. It's probably because of Yao Yuxing's matter." Cen Minghua handed the car keys to the butler, and then went in with Zhao Xuehua in his arms.

Mrs. Tang was sitting on the sofa in the living room. After watching Cen Minghua come back, she stood up.
"Minghua, I heard that you want to take Yao Yuxing back to Cen's house? What's going on?" Mrs. Tang asked coldly.

"Auntie, Yao Yuxing is also my daughter, she does have the right to return to the Cen family." Cen Minghua said.

"Why are you so confused! Let her come back to Cen's house! I won't agree!" Mrs. Tang said angrily.

"Auntie, you seem to be taking too much control over this matter. You are the mistress of the Tang family now, why do you still come back to take care of our Cen family's affairs?" Zhao Xuehua looked at the aggressive Cen Lixiang and said dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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