Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 448 What is the relationship with Bai Binghe

Chapter 448 What is the relationship with Bai Binghe

"Yao Yuxing, Yichen is not a man you can hurt. He has done so many things for you. If you dare to destroy him, I will definitely not let you go!" Mrs. Tang made her attitude very clear. "As for you, you don't want to be with Yichen for the rest of your life, let alone become his wife, and his wife can help him in his career, not a deformed relationship like yours with no background. woman."

Yao Yuxing kept his head down all the time, and kept stirring with his hands on the hem of the skirt.

"Old Madam Tang, I know my identity, and I will not do anything wrong to Tang Yichen." Yao Yuxing promised softly.

"Yao Yuxing, to be honest, I really can't think of what is better about you, let my grandson sacrifice so much for you, I think every day, what's so good about you, let him do it for you, and the whole world The Tang family is against you, even disregarding your own reputation." Mrs. Tang looked at Yao Yuxing with doubts.

Yao Yuxing raised his eyes just now, looked at Mrs. Tang, and said, "Mrs. Tang, do you have anything else to do? If there is nothing else, I'm going back to take care of my mother."

"Wait a minute," Mrs. Tang called to stop Yao Yuxing, "What is your relationship with Bai Binghe? Why is she with you?"

"We just met in church, it doesn't matter." Facing Mrs. Tang's question, Yao Yuxing replied cautiously.

"Why do I see a different light in her eyes? The way she looks at you is like looking at her own daughter." Mrs. Tang knew that Duanmuze's family came back to find their long-lost daughter.

But Yao Yuxing is Cen Minghua's daughter, Bai Binghe has no reason to admit it.

Or did Bai Binghe regard Yao Yuxing as his long-lost daughter?

"Old Madam Tang, you read wrong, Aunt Bai has a daughter." Yao Yuxing said softly.

"You seem to have a good relationship with her." Mrs. Tang felt a little confused. It was impossible for a woman of Bai Binghe's status to help a strange woman take care of her family.

The only thing that makes sense is that Bai Binghe is very satisfied with Yao Yuxing, and even regards Yao Yuxing as his daughter.

"Old Madam Tang, it's nothing, I really have to go, my mother is still waiting for me." Yao Yuxing said, ignoring etiquette, and stood up, "Old Madam Tang, I promised you something , you won’t break your word.”

From Yao Yuxing's firm eyes, Mrs. Tang could see Yao Yuxing's seriousness.

In fact, aside from other things, when she saw Yao Yuxing for the first time, she liked her quiet and leisurely temperament, but when she found out whose daughter she was, all her attitudes changed.

No one can accept the incest of their grandson!

Their tough attitude is also out of self-interest.

"Yao Yuxing, I hope you can protect your relationship with Tang Yichen. As for your relationship with the Cen family, I will make up for you." Mrs. Tang also stood up and held Yao Yuxing with her hand.

Yao Yuxing looked down at Mrs. Tang holding her hand, and said with a frown: "Mrs. Tang, I only know that I live with my mother. As for the others, they are just a superfluous existence for us. I won't give up because of my father. If it's Cen Minghua, I'll recognize him."

"Madam Tang, I know what you are worried about, but I assure you, I will never admit my relationship with the Cen family." Yao Yuxing said firmly.

She also knew that if she had anything to do with the Cen family, it would really hurt Tang Yichen.

Mrs. Tang listened, let go of Yao Yuxing's hand, and seeing Yao Yuxing's leaving figure, she suddenly overlapped Yao Yuxing and Bai Binghe.

(End of this chapter)

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