Chapter 455 Filial Piety
"Nurse, please take care of my mother for me. I'll go back and see my son first." After Yao Yuxing massaged Yao's mother's body for two hours, she left.

"Miss Yao, this is my job, I will take good care of your mother." The special nurse responded.

"If Cen Minghua and the others want to see my mother, you must call the police! Don't go away! Because I'm worried that they will harm my mother." Yao Yuxing warned worriedly.

"Okay, Mr. Tang has already explained this, and I will definitely pay attention to it."

"That troubles you!" Yao Yuxing said gratefully.

After Yao Yuxing left, the special nurse returned to the bedside and wanted to take Yao's mother's temperature, but saw tears streaming from the corners of her eyes. She was so excited that she immediately reported the situation to the doctor.

"The patient heard the sound from the outside world and responded to the sound. This situation is good. I believe she will wake up soon." The doctor observed Yao's eyes and concluded.

"Doctor, how long will it take for the patient to wake up? I see her daughter staying by her side every day without eating or drinking. It's so pitiful." The special nurse said in a low voice.

"This is Mr. Tang's mother. We also hope that she will wake up as soon as possible. As soon as Mr. Tang appeared in the hospital, we doctors were very worried. I was afraid that if he was not careful, he would tear down the hospital." The doctor said helplessly.

Mother Yao was lying on the bed, she really wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids were so heavy that she couldn't open them at all!

Lying in bed these days, her mind kept replaying all kinds of things in the past.

She felt guilty about Yao Yuxing, since she brought Yao Yuxing with her, she never treated Yao Yuxing well, and she didn't even spend much money on Yao Yuxing.

It can be said that Yao Yuxing is a self-reliant and strong girl. From a very young age, she knew how to make money to support her family, deliver newspapers, deliver milk, and even wash dishes in the kitchen on weekends, while she pretended to be crazy. ,do nothing.

Thinking of Cen Minghua's cruelty to her, she would go crazy and pour all her anger on Yao Yuxing. She remembered that several times, she almost killed Yao Yuxing.

After more than 20 years, she met her own daughter. Duanmu's family did not treat Xiao Mustard badly, and even spared no expense to save Xiao Mustard and continue her life.

But when it learned that the person who donated bone marrow to Nianxuan was her own daughter, she persuaded Yao Yuxing to give up this opportunity.

What did she do!

Yao Yuxing's biological parents treated her daughter well, but she didn't want to help Yao Yuxing save her son because she knew the truth.

And she knew that Yao Yuxing and Tang Yichen were not related by blood, but she didn't tell them the truth, and even let Yao Yuxing continue to fall into that painful relationship.

Because she was worried that if she told Yao Yuxing's life experience, she would cause trouble.

Tang Yichen finally investigated Yao Yuxing's life experience and told Yao Yuxing the truth.

Although she couldn't wake up from the heat, she could hear the sounds of the outside world clearly.

Yao Yuxing didn't dislike her because she knew that Duanmuze and Bai Binghe were her biological parents, and resented her, and even rubbed and massaged her body.

She once thought that she made Yao Yuxing live so painfully, if Yao Yuxing knew the truth, she would definitely blame her for being cruel.

But no!After Yao Yuxing knew the truth, she even said that she was her only mother!
This silly girl, mom really doesn't deserve you to sacrifice your own happiness so much.

After she wakes up, she must love Yao Yuxing and make it up to her.

She will spend the rest of her life atoning for her sins.

Maybe it was God's punishment for her, which made her injured, and she couldn't wake up until now.

(End of this chapter)

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