Chapter 468 Pampering Her Well

Little Mustard looked at Yao Yuxing in disbelief, "Xiaoyu, what are you talking about? She is not your mother, she is the bad woman who hurt you! Parents are still waiting to recognize you."

"Little mustard, you go back first, Aunt Bai needs you now." Yao Yuxing sighed inwardly.

"Xiaoyu, are you really so cruel that you don't want your mother?" A weak voice came from outside the door.

"Binghe, why did you get out of bed?" Duan Muze turned around and saw Bai Binghe coming over after pulling out his drip, and hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

"Go away." Bai Binghe broke away from Duanmuze, walked up to Yao Yuxing, took Yao Yuxing and Xiao Mustard's hands respectively, and said, "Little Yu, Mom only wants you two children in this life, don't you No mom, okay?"

"I..." Yao Yuxing looked at Bai Binghe's moved face, she didn't know how to respond to Bai Binghe's request.

Bai Binghe hugged Yao Yuxing's body, crying and said: "Xiaoyu, how can you deny your mother so cruelly? I am your mother, how can you leave me? I won't let you leave me .”

Duanmuze, who had been standing by the side all the time, had some wet eyes. He moved his body slowly, stepped forward, and embraced the three most important women in his life in front of him.

"It's my father's fault, it's my father's fault." Duan Muze's face was full of guilt and sadness. If he had known the truth earlier, he would not have spoken harshly to Yao Yuxing. He even once thought that Yao Yuxing was plotting against them.

But unexpectedly, her heart was so kind.

This made him feel very gratified!
Because his daughter is so kind, understanding, gentle and considerate, and so beautiful, how proud he should be to have such a good daughter, but how did he treat her?
What an asshole father he is!He is not worthy to be Yao Yuxing's father at all!
When Yao Yuxing felt Duanmuze's big hand touching her body, her body froze for no reason, and she even subconsciously escaped.

Bai Binghe noticed Yao Yuxing's reaction, she hurriedly pushed Duan Muze away, and reprimanded, "Ah Ze, it's because of your harshness before that Xiaoyu didn't want to recognize us! Hurry up and tell Xiaoyu Apologize!"

Duan Muze nodded, and flatteringly said to Yao Yuxing: "Xiao Yu, I'm sorry, forgive my father for hurting you before, and my father swears that he will love you well from now on."

Yao Yuxing said gratefully: "I know you guys are kind to me, but this happened so suddenly, you guys let me think about it."

Bai Binghe grabbed Yao Yuxing's hand and said nervously: "Xiaoyu, are you thinking about her very much? She hurt my daughter so much, why am I so relieved to let you stay by her side?"

Yao Yuxing asked her to say, "You all misunderstood my mother. The harm she did to me happened when she was mentally abnormal, and it was not her subjective consciousness. My mother's condition has improved now, no Something is wrong, and because of this, I should stay by her side and take good care of her."

Bai Binghe listened, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she walked to Yao's mother's bed, "You have won now! You have ruined our family's happiness for more than 20 years, and now you have made my daughter give up on you! You still have to take care of me!" Your life!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..." Yao's mother didn't dare to look up at Bai Binghe, she understood the anger in Bai Binghe's heart now!
"Can you just say sorry and let me pretend that nothing happened! Why did you take my daughter away, but didn't love her and take care of her, and abused her? What did I do to apologize to you, you Do you want to take revenge on her like this? I raised your daughter without losing a single hair, and even saved her life." Bai Binghe excitedly stepped forward and bit Yao's mother's body, "Why! Why are you doing this? To me!"

(End of this chapter)

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