Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 470 Undeserving of Forgiveness

Chapter 470 Undeserving of Forgiveness
Little mustard feels that Yao Yuxing is very strange, why is this girl in front of her so broad-minded, since she can forgive someone who can hurt her and abuse her.

Still as good as ever.

This point, her little mustard can't catch up with flattery, and because of this, she is even more unable to face Yao Yuxing, because it was her mother who caused Yao Yuxing to lose everything.

The pain that Yao Yuxing endured should be borne by her, but Yao Yuxing endured everything for her!
"Xiaoyu, you are too kind, but the bad guys will get their retribution after all! Not to mention your mother, even I can't forgive her for what she did to you!" Little mustard said coldly, "I don't have such a A cold-blooded and ruthless biological mother! I will treat her like a daughter who was born an orphan and was finally adopted by her parents."

Little Mustard took a deep breath and said lightly: "Xiaoyu, I'm sorry, I have occupied your life for more than [-] years, I will return my parents to you now, I hope you can return to your parents."

Yao Yuxing reached out, grabbed Xiao Mustard who was about to leave, swallowed, and said, "Little Mustard, everyone's life style is different, you don't know your mother, she has a serious mental illness, I am her The only daughter in the world, if I leave her, she will have no relatives anymore, I hope you can let go of the past and accept our mother, okay? Every year on her birthday, my mother will buy two pairs of gifts, One was given to me, and the other was hidden by her, no matter how many times we moved, she could not leave all the luggage, but she could only take away the gifts accumulated every year."

"And every time my mother is mentally ill, it's not she who beats me or abuses me. It's me who rushes to hug her and stop doing things that hurt me. You all misunderstood my mother, she is actually a good person."

Not only Xiao Mustard, but Duanmuze, Bai Binghe and Yao Mu who were present all burst into tears.

And even Tang Yichen, who came back from the outside with his things, heard Yao Yuxing talking about his past experience at the door, his heart suddenly tugged, and when he walked in, he gently pulled her into his arms , to give her a trace of warmth and support.

"Xiaoyu...I'm sorry...Mom is not a good person, mother is a bad person...I am not mentally ill at all. I used to treat you so much because I vented all the resentment about being abandoned by men on you, I know You are a good girl, but I didn't stop it, but abused you even more."

Mother Yao cried and shouted, "I know that my own daughter has heart disease, and if I go to the hospital for an investigation, they will find that she is not their own daughter, so I don't want them to find you, and I have been taking you with me. The reason for hiding and fleeing is to use you to save my daughter's life."

"I have always thought that they are rich, how could they really treat a seriously ill child well? Rich people are selfish people. I thought that my daughter might be affected by various things. This kind of injury, push all these grievances on you..."

"But when I saw Xiao Mustard living such a happy life, I realized that I was wrong! I was so wrong! Thinking of the harm I have caused to you in the past 20 years, I know that I have sinned deeply. I don't deserve anyone's forgiveness!" Yao's mother got off the bed, walked up to Yao Yuxing, knelt down, took Yao Yuxing's hand, and said, "Xiao Yu, I don't deserve to be your mother, and I don't deserve your forgiveness. ! Mom admits to you now!"

Yao Yuxing's eyes turned red when she heard this, and she almost fainted in Tang Yichen's arms. She never thought of this truth!

(End of this chapter)

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