Chapter 475 People can change

After Cao Baida came out of the luxury villa where Su Qingqing lived, he turned on the switch water on a lawn and washed his face.

When he came back this time, he followed Shangguan Ming and Su Qingqing for several days.

But they found out that they were plotting to attack Yao Yuxing.

He saved his life from before the gate of hell, so he won't let it live so worthless again!
Cao Baida went to a buddy's place, asked for clean clothes, arranged his appearance by the way, thanked him, and left.

Cao Baida also found out that Yao Yuxing lived in Tang's manor, but it was not that easy for him to find Yao Yuxing.

He was stopped by bodyguards in uniform, and he begged to see Yao Yuxing, hoping that they would accommodate him. He had something to ask Yao Yuxing.

Of course, the vicious bodyguard refused to let Cao Baida in and drove him away.

Just when Cao Baida gave up, a black Bentley stopped beside him.

"Mr. Tang, this man wants to see Miss Yao." The bodyguard walked up to Bentley and said to Tang Yichen who rolled down the window.

Tang Yichen looked at the skinny man in front of him who looked like he was taking drugs, and his voice was as cold as his gaze, "Who are you?"

When Cao Baida looked at the man in the car, his heart trembled.

In this world, there is actually such a man with such a high aura, that kind of aura like an emperor can make people suffocate.

"Mr. Tang, I am Yao Yuxing's senior. I have something to look for her." Although Cao Baida has never been in contact with high society people, he just glanced at Tang Yichen, and he felt that this man was extraordinary, exuding a king-like dignity .

"What are you looking for from her?" Tang Yichen didn't take Cao Baida seriously, because it was impossible for Yao Yuxing to fall in love with a man like Cao Baida.

What's more, he and Yao Yuxing's wedding date has been fixed.

"Mr. Tang, I really won't hurt Xiaoyu. I have something important to tell her personally. Can you let me see her?" Cao Baida said nervously.

"Get in the car." Tang Yichen put on the sunglasses again, rolled up the window, and said lightly.

Tang Yichen originally didn't intend to let Cao Baida in, but thinking of Yao Yuxing, he made an exception once.

After Cao Baida quickly thanked him, he got into the car.

"Where's Xiaoyu?" Tang Yichen returned to the main house, but he didn't see Yao Yuxing, so he asked the servant.

"Master, I'm going to call young mistress here now." The servant said quickly.

"En." Tang Yichen hummed lightly, and then led Cao Baida in. After sitting down on the sofa, the servant quickly brewed the tea and brought it up.

As soon as Yao Yuxing came, he didn't see any guests in the living room, so he said to Tang Yichen, "Yichen, are you looking for me?"

As soon as Cao Baida heard the long-lost voice, he slowly stood up from the sofa. He looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with red eyes, and called out excitedly, "Little fish!"

"Senior?" Yao Yuxing was startled, and after watching for about ten seconds, she recognized the man in front of her as Cao Baida. She hurriedly stepped forward, looked at him and said, "Senior, why did you become like this? What happened? I heard Su Qingqing say that you are abroad, and you betrayed your love with her."

"Senior, this isn't true, is it?" Yao Yuxing asked while holding Cao Baida's hands.

Cao Baida sighed softly, "Xiaoyu, it's a long story, I'll tell you the whole story when I have time, but I can assure you that I didn't do anything to offend Qingqing."

"Xiaoyu," Cao Baida looked at Yao Yuxing, "Qingqing has changed, she has become a money-worshipping mercenary, she even asked Shangguan Ming to send someone to frame me in order to live a better life, and even wants to harm you."

"Senior, what are you talking about? Qingqing wants to harm me? She has no reason to harm me." Yao Yuxing didn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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