Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 478 Daddy is a must at home

Chapter 478 Daddy is a must at home

"Daddy, why are you hugging me so tightly?" Nian Xuan was painting when suddenly his small body was lifted into the air, he exclaimed, and when he looked back, he found that it was Tang Yichen with complicated eyes, who just let go of his guard.

"Xuan'er, what are you painting?" Tang Yichen's voice was very gentle, and he stared at Nian Xuan with such doting and a little excitement.

Although Nian Xuan is young, he can feel that Tang Yichen is different from usual.

The way Daddy looked at him was so warm and happy.

"Daddy, Uncle Jinxuan said that my paintings are beautiful, and he even took my paintings in his exhibition. Uncle Jinxuan said that I also have fans, and asked me to draw them for him." Nian Xuan stretched out his hand to hook Touching Tang Yichen's neck, his eyes didn't flicker for a moment.

"Shangguan Jinxuan?" Tang Yichen frowned.

When did Shangguan Jinxuan even buy his son?Do you want to win sympathy!
"In the future, less contact with that ghost Uncle Jinxuan, he is not a good guy." Tang Yichen said in a deep voice.

"What about Uncle Kevin?" Nian Xuan pursed his lips and asked.

"The character is not good either." Tang Yichen was slightly taken aback.

"Based on what you've seen, daddy is what you need at home?" Nian Xuan looked at Tang Yichen and asked.

"Daddy is your mommy's support, what do you think?" Tang Yichen hugged Nian Xuan and turned around, but considering Nian Xuan's physical condition, Tang Yichen only slowly turned around a few times, then stopped and gave him Wiping the fine sweat off his face, "Nian Xuan, are you tired? What do you want to drink? Daddy will get it for you."

Nian Xuan blushed, looked at Tang Yichen and shook his head and said, "Mommy won't let me drink indiscriminately, I just want a glass of boiling water."

And Nian Xuan was also thirsty and wanted to drink water.

Tang Yichen got up and went to bring a cup of boiling water, and fed Nian Xuan to drink it himself after blowing it cold.

While Nian Xuan was drinking water, Tang Yichen carefully looked at Nian Xuan's paintings, and found that each one has its own characteristics, and each painting seems to be full of soul.

"Xuan'er, did you draw these?" Tang Yichen couldn't even believe that all the paintings in front of him were made by Nian Xuan.

Nian Xuan drank water, nodded, "Yes, Daddy doesn't believe it?"

"I believe, I'm just glad to have a genius son." Tang Yichen reached out and rubbed Nian Xuan's soft hair, with a trace of guilt in his eyes.

And he was very glad to know the truth before he did anything to regret. If he did do anything to regret, he would never be forgiven in his life.

"That's because Mommy made me so smart." Nian Xuan giggled, "Daddy, when I was in Mommy's belly, guess what I saw?"

Tang Yichen was taken aback, his eyes darkened when he heard Nian Xuan's question.

Looking back on the past, he once suspected that the child in Yao Yuxing's womb was Bai Che's.

And even though he believed in Yao Yuxing, he still lost his mind on that matter in the end, and held a skeptical attitude towards Nian Xuan's identity, and he never thought about verifying anything himself.

He would rather be skeptical than know the truth.

Because he was really worried that the truth would be crushed by him!
"Xuan'er, what did you see in Mommy's belly?" Tang Yichen asked softly, holding Nian Xuan on his lap.

Nian Xuan raised his head, looked at Tang Yichen, stretched out his small hand to caress Tang Yichen's handsome face, "I saw Daddy waving to me, let me go into Mommy's belly, Daddy said this is our promise to be a family in our previous life of."

Tang Yichen's heart trembled when he heard it, he was extremely shocked,
Is this really what Nian Xuan saw in Yao Yuxing's stomach?

"Daddy, what is a past life?" Nian Xuan asked Tang Yichen with doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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