Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 480 Waiting for my son to wake up

Chapter 480 Waiting for my son to wake up

Tang Yichen walked over, hugged Yao Yuxing from behind, put his head on her shoulder, and asked in a hissy voice, "Why don't you sleep a little longer, didn't you say you were tired last night?"

The moment Tang Yichen hugged Yao Yuxing, Yao Yuxing was taken aback. When she saw that it was him, she let out a sigh of relief, with a hint of complaint in her voice: "Why are you walking silently? Scared me to death gone."

"What breakfast are you cooking? What do you want to eat, just let the chef do it, you don't need to do these." Tang Yichen felt sorry for her and wanted to take away the things in her hands.

"Tang Yichen, stop making trouble, I'm making breakfast for Nianxuan." Yao Yuxing opened Tang Yichen's hand and said.

"Is it only for Nian Xuan?" Tang Yichen's face darkened when he heard that she only cooked breakfast for Nian Xuan.

"Okay, okay, you go out to wash up first, and check to see if Nian Xuan has woken up. After you finish the housework, I will make breakfast." Yao Yuxing pushed Tang Yichen out of the kitchen, "This is the kitchen, not suitable for you Come in, you're going out soon."

"Is there nothing for me to help?" Tang Yichen was pushed out of the kitchen door by her, he turned around and looked into her eyes and asked.

"No need, you will only get in the way, the more you help, the more busy you are, you go upstairs and wait for Nian Xuan to get up and wash up, and you will have something to eat when you come down." Yao Yuxing knew that he wanted to help, but she didn't want his pair to be used for cooking. The big hands touched the kitchen work, "Don't let Nian Xuan sleep for too long, go and wake him up, and he will be re-examined later."

It's enough for her to be busy with the kitchen work.

As long as she watched him and her son eat the meals she made, she was satisfied.

Tang Yichen followed her wishes, went upstairs, and entered Nian Xuan's room lightly, seeing that the little guy hadn't woken up yet, he walked over and sat down by the bed.

"Nian Xuan, wake up and have breakfast." Tang Yichen looked at Nian Xuan's sleeping face, and felt a warm feeling in his heart.

"Hmm..." Nian Xuan heard someone calling him to get up, he turned over reluctantly, and his soft voice dragged on for a long time.

Expressed reluctance to get up!

"Nian Xuan, get up, Mommy is waiting for us to have breakfast." Tang Yichen pulled off the quilt and leaned forward.

"Well, no, don't get up." Nian Xuan didn't open his eyes, but frowned.

"If you don't get up again, Daddy will be angry." Tang Yichen was ordered to wait for his son to get up.

"I'm going to get up... blah..." Nian Xuan heard that Tang Yichen was about to get angry, and quickly raised his butt, but his head still didn't leave the pillow.

Seeing Nian Xuan's buttocks tilted up and continuing to sleep with his head on the pillow, Tang Yichen shook his head helplessly while rubbing his forehead.

This Nianxuan looks quite quiet on weekdays, he is a good baby, but why does he get up with such a temper!
This reminded him that it was difficult for him to be woken up when he was a child. No matter how his mother coaxed him, he didn't like to get up, especially in winter.

Tang Yichen raised his hand, and patted Nian Xuan's little butt lightly, "Nian Xuan, don't you want to get up yet? Then I'll take Mommy out to play later, not you."

"Okay! Daddy and Mommy are going to play quickly! I wish I had rhubarb to accompany me." Nian Xuan sat up quickly after hearing this, and looked at Tang Yichen without sleepiness, "Mommy hasn't gone out to play for a long time After that, Daddy will take Mummy out for a walk."

"Why don't you continue to sleep?" When Nian Xuan sat up, Tang Yichen happened to be hit on the face by Nian Xuan's little butt, and the damage was quite powerful.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you? Does your face hurt?" Nian Xuan looked at Tang Yichen rubbing his face, and asked very intimately, even stood up, held Tang Yichen's face, and blew, "Blow it, it's all right." It doesn't hurt anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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