Chapter 482

When Tang Yichen and the others were having breakfast, Du Lingheng had just arrived at the manor.

"Master, Dr. Du is here." The servant came in and reported.

"Let Dr. Du come to have breakfast." Yao Yuxing stood up quickly, then went into the kitchen and brought out a prepared breakfast.

Tang Yichen looked at her actions, raised his brows lightly, and asked in a jealous voice, "Xiaoyu, how dare you even make Du Lingheng's breakfast?"

Yao Yuxing originally wanted to say something bitter about Tang Yichen, but someone was faster than her, "Yichen, you are so stingy, I dare not sit down and have breakfast."

Although Du Lingheng said so, he was already sitting on the chair, took the breakfast brought by Yao Yuxing with a smile on his face, and thanked him, "Thank you, it looks delicious, but I don't know how long I will eat it." I won't offend someone."

Yao Yuxing knew who Du Lingheng was talking about, so she deliberately glanced in Tang Yichen's direction, and the corner of her mouth pulled a stiff arc, "You're just a guest, not to mention that Dr. Du is your good brother..."

Tang Yichen's long narrow and charming phoenix eyes, with a trace of resentment, looked at Yao Yuxing, and the two exchanged eye contact, as if they were saying to Yao Yuxing: "If you say this, do I still have face?"

Yao Yuxing blinked at Tang Yichen, "I didn't say anything."

Tang Yichen lowered his head, cutting a medium-boiled egg, when the knife touched the porcelain, it made a rattling sound.

The people present felt extremely frightened when they heard the voice, and they glanced at each other.

"Daddy, what's wrong with you? Could it be that Mommy's breakfast is not delicious?" Nian Xuan looked at Tang Yichen sideways and asked in a low voice.

"No, it's delicious." Tang Yichen regained his composure, and realized that his voice was too loud, so he quickly stopped his movements.

"It's clear that someone is jealous." Du Lingheng said bluntly.

"Daddy, are you jealous?" Nian Xuan felt incredible: "Daddy, what does it feel like to be jealous?"

At this time, Tang Yichen's face was dark, "Baby, what is jealousy, your dad doesn't need to know what it feels like to be jealous."

"You still say you're not jealous. I can feel the sour smell in the air now." Du Lingheng said with a tusk, "The eggs are so tender and the steaks are not bad. Yichen, you are so lucky. Fish counts your life as a kid."

"Cough cough." Yao Yuxing coughed twice, and said with a smile on his face, "Everyone has been talked about, eat breakfast first, or it won't taste good if it gets cold."

"Du Lingheng, don't step into the manor without my permission next time." Tang Yichen said coldly.

"Daddy, but Uncle Du still needs to help me check my body." Nian Xuan stretched out his hand and shook Tang Yichen's hand aggrievedly, "Daddy, you don't know much about medicine, how can you help me?"

"Nian Xuan, you are so cruel to your son, isn't it good?" Du Lingheng said solemnly after finishing his breakfast, "I have another matter to discuss with you, about Nian Xuan's surgery. "

"Doctor Du, when will that be? Is there really no risk?" Yao Yuxing asked, looking at Du Lingheng blankly, his hands a little soft when he heard that.

Du Lingheng shook his head and said, "I guarantee that there will be no risk. I will take good care of Nianxuan, but the condition of the bone marrow donor is a little serious."

"You mean Little Mustard?" Yao Yuxing frowned and asked, "Is her situation not optimistic?"

"I've seen her case. She has undergone several minor operations and one major operation. If she can't bear the pain, the situation will be very dangerous." Du Lingheng took out Xiao Mustard's case and handed it to Yao Yuxing. "The work of this family member must be done well. I hope you and Yichen can properly discuss with them about the surgery."

(End of this chapter)

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