Chapter 490 Golden Transformers
"Xiaoyu, I don't understand this. You can learn it. No one is born to do business. I didn't understand it at the beginning. When I first went abroad with your father, although I had connections, a new company, in the new There is still some resistance in the environment." Bai Binghe said to Yao Yuxing, "At that time, I couldn't bear to let your father work hard alone, so I personally went to help manage the company's affairs. Retire and concentrate on taking care of Little Mustard at home."

"And with your smart mind, you will definitely do better than your parents."

Yao Yuxing listened carefully, as if listening to a legendary story.

When Tang Yichen and Su Tezhu were discussing the project of Duanmu Group before, although she didn't understand, she knew one thing, that is, the power of Duanmu Group was no worse than that of Tang Group.

Tang Corporation is one of the most well-known companies in China, and it even ranks first among the top [-] companies in the world.

"I'll talk about these things later, and now there are some new jobs, such as acting president and acting executive director, you can hire them." Yao Yuxing made tea, and then poured it into the teacup of Baibinghe and mustard.

Yao Yuxing handed the teacup to Bai Binghe, "Drink some tea."

"Okay, thank you." Bai Binghe took the teacup Yao Yuxing handed over.

At this time, a childish voice came from the corridor: "Mummy..."

When everyone heard Nian Xuan's voice, they all turned their heads and looked at the small figure appearing in the corridor.

"Xuan'er, your grandma and I have come to see you." Xiao Mustard got up, walked towards the stairs, then took Nian Xuan's hand, led him to the sofa, took a gift box, and took out the toy , "Xuan'er, look, the toy grandma chose for you, do you like it?"

Yao Yuxing saw that the whole set of Transformers was made of gold, she was so frightened that she quickly said to Bai Binghe: "Why did you buy such expensive toys for Xuan'er?"

This is a set of limited edition gold Transformers on the market. There are only ten sets in the world, and the value is as high as 300 million.

"Xiaoyu, these are for Xuan'er. When Xuan'er gets better, I'll take him to play." Bai Binghe said with a smile, "There is only Xuan'er in our Duanmu family. I don't love him. Who do you care about, these money, whether you bring it with you when you are born, or take it with you when you die, just want to be happy."

"But it's too expensive." Yao Yuxing frowned, seeing that the set of toys was worth 300 million, she felt that Bai Binghe's appearance would really scare her, "Xuan'er doesn't play with toys very much, Don’t waste money like this in the future.”

"Okay, then I won't spend so much in the future." Bai Binghe knew what kind of life Yao Yuxing lived in the past. For Yao Yuxing, the gold is indeed a little scary.

"Can this be returned? Gold toys will wear out after a few plays. I'm worried that the price will drop in the future." Yao Yuxing said worriedly.

"Xiaoyu, this is a gift for Xuan'er, how can I return it?" Bai Binghe became anxious when she heard this, "Xiaoyu, don't you like me buying toys for Xuan'er?"

Yao Yuxing quickly shook his head and said, "No, I don't want you to waste any more money."

"It's okay. If Xuan'er doesn't like to play, you can keep it for him. You can decide what to do with it in the future." Bai Binghe said.

"Mum, this bumblebee is so cool, I like it so much." Nian Xuan took the bumblebee from Xiao Mustard, and then walked up to Yao Yuxing.

"Then thank you grandma." Yao Yuxing asked Nian Xuan to thank Bai Binghe.

"Thank you grandma." Nian Xuan hugged Bai Binghe and kissed her on the face.

"Hehe, if Xuan'er likes it, grandma will be happy." Bai Binghe said with her eyes narrowed with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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