Chapter 492 Old things
"Why do you say that my Xuan'er is a little bastard! Don't spout blood!" Bai Binghe handed Nian Xuan to Yao Yuxing, then strode forward and tore with Mrs. Tang, "You stinky woman, you and I It's not over!"

"Okay! Let's settle the old and new accounts together!" Mrs. Tang also started to fight with Bai Binghe.

The two women, who together were about a hundred years old, fought violently!

"Bai Binghe, it's impossible for me to let you participate in our Tang family's affairs again! You take your daughter and go as far as I can!" Mrs. Tang said through gritted teeth.

In an instant, there was a quarrel in the living room.

Yao Yuxing watched, and quickly handed Nian Xuan to the servant: "You take Nian Xuan upstairs."

She knelt down and patted Nian Xuan's head, "Xuan'er, go upstairs first, you'll be fine, don't be afraid!"

"The bad grandma beat grandma!" Nian Xuan pointed at the two stubbornly fighting together, and said to Yao Yuxing.

"Take Nianxuan upstairs." Yao Yuxing hugged Nianxuan and said distressedly.

"Yes, young mistress!" The servant hurriedly took Nian Xuan upstairs.

Yao Yuxing walked over and stood beside the two of them, trying to pull them away: "Stop arguing, stop!"

As for Bai Binghe and Mrs. Tang, it was as if they were on their shoulders, and they didn't hear Yao Yuxing's dissuasion at all.

"Stop fighting, stop!" Yao Yuxing just pulled them away, but they hugged each other and started fighting again soon.

Yao Yuxing had no choice but to beg Mrs. Tang, "Mrs. Tang, please, let them stop! If you keep fighting, something will happen!"

Mrs. Tang took a meaningful look at Yao Yuxing, "Are you really a child of the Duanmu family?"

Yao Yuxing was taken aback for a moment, but soon regained her senses. She looked at Mrs. Tang and said, "Mrs. Tang, it's not about pursuing this matter now. Look, they are fighting. Go and stop it!"

Mrs. Tang walked over and shouted coldly, "Stop!"

As soon as Mrs. Tang heard Mrs. Tang call to stop, she immediately stopped her movements, and Bai Binghe also stopped her movements.

The two looked at each other coldly and snorted coldly.

"The combined age of the two of you is a hundred years old! Why are you still messing around here like a child!" Mrs. Tang came forward and reprimanded her.

"Mom, they're the ones here to make trouble! They shouldn't be here at all!" Mrs. Tang walked to Mrs. Tang's side and said dissatisfied.

"We didn't come here to fight." Mrs. Tang's tone was light. She looked at Yao Yuxing and said, "I told you, the relationship between your mother and the Cen family must be kept secret! Why do I see news reports about your relationship now? ? Do you know that the uncle-nephew relationship between you and Yichen has been aroused!"

Yao Yuxing froze, looked at Mrs. Tang suspiciously, and said incomprehensibly, "What did you say? What news?"

The uncle-nephew relationship between her and Tang Yichen?

What's going on!
"Are you trying to destroy Yichen! That's why you took revenge on our Tang family like this!" Mrs. Tang was so angry that she held her chest, pointed at Yao Yuxing with her trembling fingers and said, "You loser! Ever since you and Yichen met , Yichen began to disobey the arrangement of the family and insisted on being with you! Yichen treated you well, let you live in a big manor, and helped you raise your son! You treated him like this!"

Looking at Yao Yuxing's face, Mrs. Tang knew that she didn't know about the news. It must be that Tang Yichen blocked the news to protect her. She knew that this would happen, so when she came, she brought magazines and newspapers coming.

Throwing it in front of Yao Yuxing, "You have to take a good look at what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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