Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 511 She is a disaster star

Chapter 511 She is a disaster star
Mrs. Tang took the two paternity tests handed over by the waiter, opened them, and looked at the blood test report on them. When she saw the results, her face turned pale.

Yao Yuxing is really not Mother Yao's biological daughter!
"Old Madam Tang, this is the paternity test between us and Xiaoyu." Bai Binghe took out another paternity test and handed it over.

Mrs. Tang took it over and looked at the report with a complex expression on her face.

"Is she really your biological daughter?" Mrs. Tang couldn't help asking, "Then what is the relationship between her and Yao's mother? Why are you two daughters swapped?"

"Mrs. Tang, there is no need to lie to you." Bai Binghe looked at Mrs. Tang, her tone suddenly became low, "Some accidents happened, which led to the exchange of our two daughters."

"What happened?" Madam Tang asked softly, frowning.

"It's all over, and now Aze and I hope that Xiaoyu will be happy." Bai Binghe said, reaching out to hold Duanmuze's big hand on the table, "We have worked so hard to meet Xiaoyu." Admittedly, in fact, we don't really want to hand over Xiaoyu to Yichen, but the current situation is beyond our control."

Old Mrs. Tang seemed to have heard something, her brows frowned.

"Xiaobing, what do you want to say?"

"Xiaoyu is pregnant, she is the flesh and blood of your Tang family." Bai Binghe brought the matter of Yao Yuxing's pregnancy to the dinner table.

"Why are you so sure that the child in her stomach is Yichen's!" Mrs. Tang squeezed her chopsticks slightly, and snorted coldly, "Your daughter is a womanizer, and she doesn't know how many men she has been with. !"

She asked someone to investigate Yao Yuxing, who she was with and what she did, she investigated everything clearly.

"Wife, why do you say that! Doesn't she know whose child Xiaoyu is pregnant with?" Tang Jiajun frowned, and said to Mrs. Tang, "You give me a good meal!"

As soon as Madam Tang heard that Tang Jiajun was protecting the mother and daughter, all the bitterness and dissatisfaction that had accumulated in her heart for more than 30 years came out, "Tang Jiajun, let me ask you, since I married your Tang family, I have always kept myself safe and supported you. Career, give birth to children for you! But how did you repay me?"

"It's been more than thirty years, and you still hide that woman in your heart, and you haven't let go! You can't be with her, and now you want her daughter to be with our son!"

"Let me tell you, this is impossible! I will never agree to your old lover's daughter marrying into the Tang family!"

Mrs. Tang said, full of anger!

From the very beginning, she should have knocked out the child in her stomach, so she wouldn't have to tie herself up for 30 years!
As soon as Mrs. Tang's words fell to the ground, everyone at the table fell silent.

"Now our daughter is insane. All of this is thanks to Yao Yuxing. If she hadn't seduced Bai Che, would Bai Che break up with Ziyao! Why didn't you think that it was Yao Yuxing who harmed Ziyao!" Mrs. Tang stretched out her hand and bit Tang Jiajun's arm vigorously, and said in a deep voice, "I won't nod my head and agree to this matter!"

"Mom, Xiaoyu has never been with Bai Che! Bai Che gave money to save Aunt Yao, but Yao Yuxing just regarded him as a benefactor! Don't talk nonsense here!" Although Tang Yichen understood his mother's pain, he let others like this He couldn't bear to slander Yao Yuxing.

"As a benefactor?" Mrs. Tang snorted coldly, "What about Shangguan Jinxuan and Ye Kaiwen? Those two men have wooed Yao Yuxing with all sincerity! What are you going to do with such a woman? She killed her son Yao didn't say anything, she still wants to harm you now, do you know that she is a disaster star!"

(End of this chapter)

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