Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 517 Dealing with Mrs. Tang's Matters

Chapter 517 Dealing with Mrs. Tang's Matters
Tang Yichen cooperates with his father to investigate what his mother has done.

However, it was discovered that in addition to organizing gangs of prostitution, her mother also abused her power and facilitated several listed companies.

The collapse of the tofu project of the arch bridge not long ago was approved by the mother.

"Dad, Mom did so many things?" Tang Yichen frowned deeply as he looked at the documents obtained from the investigation.

Looking at those documents, Tang Jiajun was overwhelmed, shook his head and sighed, "Yichen, I'm sorry, I didn't treat your mother well, that's why she did so many things, she did so many things because she wanted to help me... ..."

"Dad, Mom's situation, if the Disciplinary Committee finds out, Mom will definitely be involved." Tang Yichen took a deep breath, "I will find a way to deal with it. Mom's emotions, please calm down."

He will take care of these things.

"Yichen, this is a matter for parents, let father handle it." Tang Jiajun seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

"Dad, you are in an important position, so it's not convenient for you to come forward. You trust my son, I will handle it properly." Tang Yichen stood up, walked up to Tang Jiajun, pressed his shoulder, and said solemnly.

"Yichen, my parents have brought you so much trouble, I'm so sorry!" Tang Jiajun sighed softly, "What your mother did may be due to her wrong thoughts, but you once had a relationship with Qin Suya. Love, but she angered your mother because she was with you, your mother treated her like that... I don't know what you think, but Dad thinks this matter is really unfair to Qin Suya ! Your mother actually asked someone to deal with her like this!"

Forcing Qin Suya to have relationships with other high-level executives in the entertainment industry, and even to engage in sex transactions.

Although she has achieved fame and fame, there is a pain that no one knows about behind her.

"Dad, although I caused her to suffer, I will do my best to compensate her." Tang Yichen's eyes darkened, and he said in a low voice.

"You have to deal with this matter very well. It is related to the relationship between you and Xiaoyu." Tang Jiajun said in a deep voice, then looked up at Tang Yichen, and asked, "About Nianxuan, is he your own son, or is he your own son?" ?”

Speaking of this, Tang Yichen's eyes flashed with apology and guilt, "Dad, Nianxuan is your own grandson, and also the flesh and blood between me and Xiaoyu."

"That's good!" Tang Jiajun kept nodding, "Our Tang family owes too much to Xiaoyu! Dad hopes that you can take good care of their mother and child, as well as our Tang family's unborn offspring."

"I will! I will protect them with my whole life." Tang Yichen said firmly.

"My son has finally grown up, has a responsibility, and understands what responsibility is." Tang Jiajun looked relieved.

Tang Yichen, on the other hand, heard his father's praise, his ears turned red, and he coughed lightly, "Dad, I'm a man in his thirties, if I don't have responsibility and responsibility, how can I take care of the whole Tang family business, let me Dad can be at ease to be the new mayor in the eyes of the citizens?"

Tang Jiajun has been appointed as the mayor for more than [-] years. Even though he had many chances for promotion, he refused all of them. He wholeheartedly worked for the welfare and work of the citizens.

And he is also the longest serving mayor in history, and the citizens of City A love him very much and hope that he can stay in office forever!
However, behind a good new mayor, there is a sabotage wife.

If Xiaojing's affairs are exposed to the media, everyone will be disappointed with Mayor Tang.

"Son, Dad hopes that no matter how busy you are in the future, you will spend more time with your wife and children."

 Thank you for your support~!

(End of this chapter)

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