Chapter 527 Black Widow

Ye Kaiwen stretched out his hand and said with a cold face, "Leave the information, people can leave!"

When Xiaojiao heard Ye Kaiwen's words, he lifted up the file, "Ye Kaiwen, I have investigated it, and the person who saved you was a girl, her name was a fish or a star...or Duanmuze's long-lost daughter? Let me see... someday, if I am unhappy, my old lady, maybe the headline in the newspaper will be that a certain daughter died of..."

"Black Widow, what on earth are you trying to do!" Ye Kaiwen was blown away by the little pepper, "If you dare to hurt her hair, I will kill you!"

"Black Widow?" Little Pepper raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, "What are you doing cursing yourself for dying young? I don't want to be a widow so soon."

"Also, my mother's name is Hei Lili! Code name is Little Pepper, and people call her the devil! As for whether Yao Yuxing will lose a hair, it depends on your performance!"

Black Lily?How cute is this name!Why do people look so domineering and rude!There is no trace of a girl on her body!
"I didn't say it was your man! From now on, don't have anything to do with me!" Ye Kaiwen said in a deep voice.

Ye Kaiwen didn't retreat, but opened the door to let the terrorist in.

Ye Kaiwen muttered in his heart: You know that you are scary, so don't come out to scare people!

"If you're upset with me, you can say it out. There's no need to hide it in your heart." Hei Lili stepped forward and landed a palm on Ye Kaiwen's shoulder.

Ye Kaiwen took Hei Lili's hand away, turned around, stared at her and said, "You are a girl, can you be more reserved! What do you look like!"

Especially seeing her afro head, his head is getting bigger!
He likes girls who are quiet, gentle, and pure like spring water, not flamboyant and rude girls like Hei Lili.

Hei Lili is simply a fighter among female men!

Killing people with a gun, walking on the edge of a knife, living like a ticking time bomb!
"You like girls like Yao Yuxing?" Hei Lili asked.

"This has nothing to do with you!" Ye Kaiwen frowned and said, "Your person has also come in, it's time to give me the information!"

Uncle Hei broke his promise with him again and let his daughter come.

"You said that if I killed her, you would no longer be able to like girls like that. What do you think of this idea?" Hei Lili clapped the information in her hand, looked at him momentarily, and said.

"Crazy woman!" Ye Kaiwen stepped forward with a sullen face, and strangled Hei Lili's jaw, "Hei Lili, what do you want to do! Are you mentally ill? If you are ill, I will introduce you to a doctor! Go see her carefully. Look at the brain department!"

"Okay! You go with me!" Hei Lili said, raised her lips and smiled, then opened her hands and hugged Ye Kaiwen's body, "Ye Kaiwen, let me tell you, if you provoke me, don't think that I will Let you go! If you look at another woman in the future, I will poke her blind!"

"Let go!" Ye Kaiwen struggled, this woman is as strong as a cow!

I can't get rid of her hug!

Why did this woman find him!

Moreover, he never provoked her!It was she who stuck to him!Still want to kill him!
Can I have this kind of woman?

"I won't let it go! Unless you say you love me!" Hei Lili is a female hooligan from the city. This kind of bubble technique can be said to be handy, and there is no obstacle at all.

"Hei Lili! How could I love a woman like you?" Ye Kaiwen turned around, with a cold face, and said unceremoniously to Hei Lili, "Give up! Stop wasting time on me! I Don't like your style! Get out of here! If not, I'll send you to jail for attempted murder!"

Hei Lili was startled, pouted angrily, and squinted her eyes, "Ye Kaiwen, I'm leaving now! You'll regret it!"

Because she will haunt him!Until he compromises!
(End of this chapter)

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