Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 538 Are You Really Suffering?

Chapter 538 Are You Really Suffering?

"Really?" Tang Yichen heard it and felt very novel!Looking forward to it too!

"It's true." Yao Yuxing said to him with a smile, "So don't talk nonsense, my baby can understand you!"

"Oh, he's kicking me again..." As soon as Yao Yuxing finished speaking, Baby kicked Yao Yuxing again.

"I saw it! I saw his little feet! So cute!" Tang Yichen's eyes were also fixed on her stomach, and when he saw a footprint on her stomach, he said excitedly , bowed his head, and kissed gently, "Baby! Daddy misses you so much!"

This kind of interaction made Yao Yuxing feel full of happiness in her chest. She watched Tang Yichen talking to the baby in her belly like a child, and she laughed uncontrollably.

"Baby kicked me to warn you not to bully his mommy!" Yao Yuxing said, rubbing his hair gently.

"How is it possible! Baby is cheering for Daddy, love Mummy fiercely!" Tang Yichen raised his head, looked at Yao Yuxing's beautiful eyes, and said with a smile.

"No way! I'm just warning you not to bully me! If you don't believe me, you can ask my darling! If you ask me a word, if my darling kicks me, it's helping you. Otherwise, it's helping me." Yao Yuxing Said.

"Okay!" Tang Yichen was very happy, coughed lightly, then held Yao Yuxing's belly, and asked, "Honey, do you agree that Daddy will sleep with Mommy tonight?"

The meaning of sleep is very broad. For Tang Yichen, it is not just sleep.

But he waited for a full 10 minutes, but he didn't see any reaction from Yao Yuxing's stomach.

He was puzzled, "Baby, kick your mommy in the stomach to let Daddy know that you agree with Daddy's approach."

He waited for a few more minutes, but none of the babies paid him any attention.

This frustrates him a lot!
"Baby, is Daddy a big devil, a big villain?" Yao Yuxing asked with a smile as he put his hand on his stomach, stroking it gently.

"Honey, what's your problem?" Tang Yichen asked with a dark face.

"Yichen, look, baby kicked me!" Yao Yuxing said, pointing at his belly.

Tang Yichen's handsome face was covered with black lines, he had already seen it, did she have to smile so happily!

"Baby, if there is no Daddy! How could there be you! Is it really good for you to treat Daddy like this?" Tang Yichen pretended to cry and lay on Yao Yuxing's belly, "Baby, Daddy is very Sad!"

I don't know if I was really worried that Tang Yichen would be sad, so Baby kicked Yao Yuxing in the stomach.

"It's so fun!" Tang Yichen said, "Xiaoyu, I'm really the happiest man in the world!"

In a few months, his second child is due!

When he thought of her giving birth to him, his heart was filled with a fountain of happiness.

He gently hugged her into his arms, "Xiaoyu, thank you! It's really hard work for you! Pregnancy is hard, right?"

"It depends on who you want to give birth to. If you love me, even if it's for you that I can't reproduce, I don't think it's hard, because it's the crystallization of our love." Yao Yuxing said, holding his handsome face actively. face, kissed.

"Just a kiss?" Tang Yichen held her tightly and asked her deeply.

"Just now I played with my baby for so long, I'm tired, I want to rest, you should go to sleep too!" Yao Yuxing slipped into his arms, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth for no reason.

"Little fish..." Tang Yichen felt wronged.

The big hand took her small hand and moved it slightly, "Xiaoyu, I really want you to kiss me here. You have neglected him these days, and he is very wronged now..."

After touching the hot and hard body for a year, her body trembled slightly, and she raised her eyes to look at him, "Are you really suffering?"

"Little fish, aren't you talking nonsense..."

(End of this chapter)

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