Chapter 545 I Made You Upset
"Grandma, are you feeling better?" Tang Yichen stepped forward, took Mrs. Tang's hand, and asked.

"Hey... Grandma is feeling bad. Grandma has done a lot of wrong things." Mrs. Tang was very weak, lying on the bed with a helpless expression, "Yichen, you must blame grandma, right?"

"Grandma, you are mainly taking care of your body at present. You don't have to worry about other things. You and grandpa can enjoy peace of mind." Tang Yichen sat down beside him and said softly, "I know that what grandma does is to hope I'm good, but I've grown up, I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore, I have my own discretion about who I choose."

"I don't want my marriage to become a bargaining chip. With my ability, Tang Yichen, do I still need to rely on outsiders to expand my career blueprint?"

Mrs. Tang sighed softly, "The first time you brought Yao Yuxing back to the Tang family's old house, I saw the chain she was wearing and mistakenly thought she was a member of the Cen family. After careful questioning, her mother was indeed the same as Cen Minghua There was a relationship, these relationships, how can grandma not worry about it! Grandma must stop your unlucky love. "

"Grandma, now that the truth is out, do you still object to my relationship with her?" Tang Yichen asked softly.

Mrs. Tang shook her head and sighed, "You can decide these things yourself, even if grandma stops you, you won't listen to it, will you?"

"Yes." Tang Yichen said lightly.

"Then why should grandma meddle in her own business? If I ruin my grandson's happiness, isn't grandma a sinner?"

"It's just that grandma is all to blame. If grandma didn't want to separate you and Yao Yuxing, she wouldn't have gone to the Shangguan family to marry you." Mrs. Tang paused, and added, "What I did , really brought you endless troubles and troubles. Grandma hurt you, it is grandma who is not good..."

Tang Yichen heard this, and quickly comforted grandma, "Grandma, don't think too much about these things, I will take care of them, you just need to calm down and take care of your body, and you have to eat the antihypertensive soup and food made by the chef at home, When you are stimulated, your blood pressure will soar, it will be very dangerous!"

Mrs. Tang held Tang Yichen's hand, nodded and said, "Okay, grandma will listen to you."

"Grandma, rest, I won't disturb you for now." Tang Yichen said.

"Yichen, don't go, stay here with grandma, okay?" Mrs. Tang quickly grabbed Tang Yichen's hand and asked in a low voice.

"Grandma, rest, I'll be outside, call me if you need something." Tang Yichen didn't want to leave, but went out of the ward to let grandma have a good rest.

Because the contract and the like have already been signed, Tang Yichen has nothing to do, so he has been guarding the door of the ward.

"Yichen, go back, I'll just stay here with grandma." Mrs. Tang walked up to Tang Yichen and whispered.

"Mom, what do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you." Tang Yichen stood up and said to his mother.

"Mom is not hungry, go and buy some white porridge for grandma." Mrs. Tang said.

"Well, then you stay here and watch over grandma, call me if you have anything to do." Tang Yichen said and left.

When Tang Yichen bought something and drove back to the hospital parking lot, he saw a woman getting out of a white car in front of him. When he saw it, he quickly parked the car, got out of the car, and walked straight over.

"Xiaoyu, why did you come to the hospital? Didn't you tell you to rest at home!" Tang Yichen stepped forward, pulled her wrist, looked at her and asked.

"I made some antihypertensive soup for grandma, and asked the driver to bring me here." Yao Yuxing looked back at him, and asked in a low voice, "Did I make you unhappy by doing this?"

(End of this chapter)

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