Chapter 554 Are You Sick?

"Don't be rude! Get up, don't press me down!" Yao Yuxing waved his hands and patted Tang Yichen's shoulder, motioning him to stand up.

"Where am I not serious? We are husband and wife. It's normal for us to close the skylight and do something beneficial to our body and mind." Tang Yichen looked innocent.

"Go!" Yao Yuxing pouted, "Since when did I become your wife! Are you delusional?"

"Wife, our son is already over three years old, do you think we are really not husband and wife?" Tang Yichen rubbed against her body, "Xiaoyu, your body smells so good! When you were pregnant, I smelled your body I am obsessed with this fragrance because of the faint frankincense fragrance, which can calm me down."

"Tang Yichen, are you sick!" Yao Yuxing reprimanded helplessly: "Others like the smell of perfume, you are so strange, why is it so weird!"

"Just treat me as if I'm sick. People who are sick usually can't control their emotions. What do you think I will do next?" Tang Yichen moved his big hand over her body and said in a hoarse voice: " Little fish, I want you!"

"No!" Yao Yuxing snorted!
He raised his hand and grabbed his big hand that was constantly wandering, frowned, and scolded coldly: "Tang Yichen, if you dare to move me, I will take the child and completely leave your sight!"

Tang Yichen seemed to be really afraid that she would do this, so he sighed heavily, and then walked away from her, "Hey, life is so hard! It's really uncomfortable to hold back, other people's wives will take care of their husband's feelings, As for the women in my family, they always make me hold back honestly... It really hurts to hold back!"

Yao Yuxing got up slowly, but ignored him.

Because she knew that he was pretending to be pitiful and wanted to win her sympathy!

How could she fail to see his tricks.

Seeing her sitting up, Tang Yichen quickly kissed her on the cheek!
"Tang Yichen, you!" Yao Yuxing was really annoyed by him, who is this, who pityed him in his heart for a few seconds just now, his action completely shattered her thoughts.

She also thought about giving him some compensation at night, but it seemed unnecessary.

"Xiaoyu, okay, I'll go to the bathroom by myself." Tang Yichen was very aggrieved, "I don't feel anything in my hands, and I like your soft and boneless little hands even more."

"Tang Yichen, you are such a hooligan! How can your family do it!" Yao Yuxing was very helpless!

"Only I know that I cheated on you, do you think they made it up?" Only when Tang Yichen was in front of her could he show his truest side, especially the desire of men, which was vividly displayed and never concealed.

He is a person with emotional cleanliness, once he identifies a person, he will stick to it.

Moreover, he knew her body well, even if he had been with her for thousands of years, he would think it was too little, so he didn't want her to associate with other men besides him.

"I'm really going to be pissed off by you! During this time, don't talk to me! I'm already angry!" Yao Yuxing said angrily.

When Tang Yichen heard this, he was frightened, he quickly stood up, put his arms around her body, and said softly: "Xiaoyu, don't be angry, what I did just now was just to create some interest between the two of us , Didn’t you say that I don’t know how to be romantic? Don’t you like it when I do this? I know you’re pregnant and that’s something you can’t do, so I’m just expressing my tongue.”

"Where is your taste! It's simply low-level taste! I'm fed up with your yellow romance!" The romance in Yao Yuxing's fantasy is cloud seafood, flowers and fine wine, and then the two of them are doing some romantic things together...

Rather than his low-level taste that makes people feel blushing...

 Recommend a good article "Meng Concubine Invasion: Your Son Please Be Good"


(End of this chapter)

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