Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 571 The Child Is Innocent

Chapter 571 The Child Is Innocent (End 4)

"Shangguan Ming, you and Shangguan Jinhuan have done a lot of evil, but you want your sons to bear all the consequences for you!" Yao Yuxing said in a trembling voice, "Shangguan Jinxuan went into shock due to excessive blood loss. If you can't wake up, you may become a vegetable!"

"And Su Qingqing was pregnant with your son, but you cruelly killed her child! Why are you so cruel, you can even kill your own child cruelly!"

As Yao Yuxing said, he said to Cao Baida: "Senior, God is fair. Everyone who planted a cause will get the result. Let's go and let him calm down alone."

After Yao Yuxing dragged Cao Baida away, Shangguanming shed two lines of old tears!

What happened in my life is like a movie rewinding, constantly replaying.

He should never, never should have been mercenary, even romantic, and harmed his children.

He was just too greedy, so in the end, he had nothing, his child was in deep trouble, and he could only lie on the hospital bed, unable to do anything!
Lost even the ability to speak and beg for mercy and apologize!

After Yao Yuxing pulled Cao Baida out of the ward, she looked at the emaciated Cao Baida and said, "Senior, you come to the hospital every day because you can't let go of Qingqing, why don't you visit her?"

"Little fish, forget it, as long as she is fine." Cao Baida sighed, "Actually, her child is gone. It may be a pain for her, but this is definitely the best way. After all, Shangguan Ming didn't treat her sincerely. Now that he is paralyzed on the bed, he can't give Su Qingqing anything at all. She is a woman, how can she support two children..."

"Senior, if Qingqing's children are fine, aren't you willing to take care of them? After all, children are innocent." Yao Yuxing's heart trembled. It turns out that men and women think differently.

A woman, even if she is a father who doesn't like her children very much, once she is pregnant, she will do her best to protect the children's well-being and give them a healthy and happy life.

"No! The child is innocent! But if I face Shangguan Ming's child all day long, I will go crazy! Do you know what Shangguan Ming did to me? He put me to death in order to get Su Qingqing , why should I raise a child for him!" Cao Baida slammed his fist on the wall, and said coldly: "Little fish, not everyone is as kind as you, do you know that your kindness makes you so kind?" People are distressed, and people want to take good care of you, because in your world, goodness is greater than evil, and you will not care about hatred, nor will you make grudges with others."

"It's because of you like this that Shangguan Jinhuan is making progress. I can't see that you are better than her and more attractive to Mr. Tang than her."

Yao Yuxing stepped forward, held Cao Baida's arm, and said softly: "Senior, since this is the case, can you let go of these hatreds? Qingqing has no choice but to do this. Now, she is left with you. If even you despise If she dies, she will be very sad."

"Xiaoyu, the matter between me and her, let it take its course! I was able to start a new life with the help of you and Mr. Tang. You are my benefactors. In this life, I will repay you as a cow and a horse." Cao Baida Turning around, he raised his hand to shake Yao Yuxing's hand, and said softly.

"Senior, I'll take care of Nianxuan first." Yao Yuxing found it again, and swore in his heart that he would never let his child suffer any more in this life!
"Xiaoyu, the due date is coming soon, you should also rest more and pay attention to your body." Cao Baida said.

"Yes, I will." Yao Yuxing nodded, and went to Nianxuan's ward.

 Recommend a new article "Sleep in a Marriage: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position"


(End of this chapter)

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