Chapter 58

"Okay! I promise you it's not enough! But if Tang Yichen blames you, you have to stop it for me! I still want to see the sun tomorrow!" Shangguan Jinxuan's head was getting big, and he was covering his conscience to do something he didn't like Things are really painful!

But for his own music, he endured it!Must endure!
A small leak will sink a great ship!
Time passed quickly, and Tang Yichen returned to the manor in the evening.

Yao Yuxing is making cakes with his son in the kitchen.

He heard the happy laughter outside the door, which immediately infected his cold heart.

As soon as he appeared in front of Yao Yuxing, Yao Yuxing quickly protected Nian Xuan behind him, looked at the man who suddenly appeared with eyes full of wariness, and asked with frowned eyebrows: "Why are you back?"

"This is my home, so I can't come back?" Tang Yichen's tone was a little indifferent, his eyes hurt a little when he watched her movements.

She was guarding against him.

His words immediately made Yao Yuxing speechless.

Yes, this is his home, and it is his freedom when he comes back.

"Go upstairs to wash up, change into a beautiful evening dress, and accompany me to a charity party later." Tang Yichen said in a commanding tone, not allowing her to refuse.

"My cake is not ready yet, and I don't want to go to any charity party." Yao Yuxing refused to give him face, but instead asked him: "Can you come back to the manor before twelve o'clock tonight? "

"Reject me, and still want to ask me to come back before twelve o'clock in the evening?" His handsome face overflowed with a hint of sullenness, and she was the first person to make conditions with him.

"Tang Yichen, can I not go to this charity party? I'm not familiar with them." Yao Yuxing tightly grasped the seat belt with both hands, and looked sideways at Tang Yichen who had already parked the car and was about to get out of the car.

The Italian royal family's handmade blue suit was well tailored, perfectly outlining his tall body. He sat casually, exuding the aristocratic aura of a king when he raised his hands.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his indifferent eyes locked on her tightly, his lips pursed into a straight line, also moved slightly: "Yao Yuxing, when did you become so timid as a mouse."

"Uncle..." Yao Yuxing called out in a low voice, and when she called him, she felt cold sweat on her palms.

Tang Yichen's face darkened, and a cold light flashed across his gloomy eagle eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not your brother-in-law. If you let me hear you call me that again in the future, I'll see how I deal with you!"

When he spoke, he was extremely indifferent, which made Yao Yuxing's heart tremble when he saw it, and he leaned to the side, the evil spirit on his body was too heavy.

Tang Yichen got out of the car, walked around the front of the car with a cold face, walked to Yao Yuxing's side, opened the door, "Get out of the car."

Yao Yuxing's eyes followed Tang Yichen closely, from the moment he got out of the car until he opened the car door, she hesitated for half a second, and finally got out of the car obediently under his cold eyes.

Although Tang Yichen had a cold face, he couldn't help but put his hands on the roof of the car to prevent her from bumping her head when she got off the station and got up.

This subtle movement of his made the passing women look with admiration.

After Tang Yichen closed the car door, his arms were slightly bent, and he leaned towards Yao Yuxing.

Watching his movements, Yao Yuxing frowned slightly, but because of his icy aura, he could only submit obediently, and stretched out his hand to hold his.

(End of this chapter)

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