Chapter 63

Tang Yichen automatically filtered what she said just now in his mind, he closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and then said lightly, "My affairs, my life, the mastery is in my hands."

"As for you, everything in your life can only be controlled by me." His hoarse and cold voice slowly spread in the air, he took off his coat and put it on her body, Then he picked her up.

"Tang Yichen, let me go!" Yao Yuxing shook his legs restlessly, what is he doing holding her like this!
"Do you still want to go home at twelve o'clock!" He suddenly said coldly.

Every time I didn't do it to my heart's content, all the excitement was poured cold water over and over again by her.

When he said this, he really couldn't hear her chirping anymore.

"Yao Yuxing, are you the reincarnation of a lunatic who is going to punish me in this life?" He walked out holding her, lowered his eyes, and stared at her coldly, "I really wish I could integrate you into my flesh and blood, Only in this way, you will never escape again!"

"Tang Yichen, what are you talking about..." Her heart trembled slightly.

"Yao Yuxing, you'd better stay by my side like a dumb person. If you talk so much, let alone rape, I can do anything worse!" He threatened coldly!

"Tang Yichen, why are you always so unreasonable? Do you know that Grandma Tang doesn't let us be together at all, not to mention the relationship between us, can we be together?" Yao Yuxing's eyes turned red, "And I don't want to To be your mistress..."

There was silence between the two of them on the way back from the charity gala. On the way, he got out of the car and bought her a new set of clothes.

"Put it on." Tang Yichen handed her the bag and said in a cold voice.

Yao Yuxing gathered his coat with both hands, and looked at him warily, "Then what are you doing in the car?"

"There are a lot of mosquitoes outside, do you want me to wait outside the car for you to change before you get in the car?" Tang Yichen's face was full of disapproval, and he glanced at her up and down, "Is there anything on your body that I haven't seen?"

"Tang Yichen, you...!" Yao Yuxing was so angry that his fingers trembled.

"How can there be so much nonsense, if you don't want others to misunderstand what you have been done, you should quickly change your clothes." Tang Yichen's tone was still cold, and the evening dress on her body was torn by him , worn messily on the body.

"How can I change when you are here!" She complained in a low voice, instead of doing this, she would rather not change, just go back like this.

Anyway, it wasn't the first time that the servants of the manor had seen her embarrassed side.

"You have serious thoughts, do you want me to change it for you?" Tang Yichen squinted at her, with a wicked smile on his lips, "I'd be happy to do it for you, too."

"No need! I'll change it myself!" Yao Yuxing saw the malice in his black eyes, and knew what he was going to say, so he said hastily.

But he was watching from the side, and she was really embarrassed to change.

She suddenly remembered that there was a barrier between the back seat and the front seat of his car, so she got out of the car, got into the back seat, and said to Tang Yichen, "Please raise the barrier."

"I've become smarter now!" Tang Yichen watched her actions and said through gnashing of teeth. He didn't want to waste time on the road, so he shook the barrier.

He estimated the time, and lightly pressed the barrier with his slender fingers, and he rolled down the car seat, and then with a big hand, he pulled Yao Yuxing, who was so frightened and pale, over, pressing Under the body.

(End of this chapter)

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