Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 69 You Don't Really Fall In Love With Her

Chapter 69 You Don't Really Fall In Love With Her

"Yichen, what did you say?" Du Lingheng opened his eyes wide, looking at Tang Yichen in disbelief, trying to see something on his face.

"Yichen, don't you really fall in love with Yao Yuxing?" Ou Ruonan's voice trembled, "Then what about Qin Suya, she returned to China to develop. Yichen, don't you Do you understand her intentions, she came back to give you each other a chance."

"Where she develops has nothing to do with me?" Tang Yichen looked at Ou Ruonan and said calmly, "Who Qin Suya is with has nothing to do with me."

"Yichen, for so many years you have rejected all women's pursuits, isn't it just to leave a vacant position for Qin Suya?" Ou Ruonan couldn't understand his brothers, they thought Tang Yichen had been waiting for Qin Suya.

But now Tang Yichen said such indifferent and cold words, if Qin Suya, who was also waiting for Tang Yichen, heard it, how sad it would be.

"Which one of you saw that I rejected all women for Qin Suya? Yao Yuxing is not a woman in your eyes?" Tang Yichen's voice became colder and colder, Yao Yuxing's beautiful figure and her frown and smile flashed before his eyes.

"Yao Yuxing's situation is different! Can a woman bought with money buy true love? What's more, it's impossible for you!" Du Lingheng stretched out his hand to hold Tang Yichen's hand, persuading him: "Yichen, look For the sake of us growing up together, we will be worried that you are on the wrong path, your life cannot be ruined because of Yao Yuxing's appearance, you can't afford to bet on it!"

"If this is the urgent matter you mentioned tonight, then I have nothing to say, I will leave first." After speaking, Tang Yichen reached for the car keys on the coffee table, intending to leave.

As soon as he took a step, Du Lingheng blocked his way. He stared coldly at Du Lingheng who was blocking him: "Du Lingheng, what do you want to do!"

"Yichen, as your brother, I must never watch you make mistakes again and again!" Du Lingheng said firmly, and he was also entrusted by his grandfather to persuade Tang Yichen to let go of his relationship with Yao Yuxing.

"This is my business, you have no right to intervene! If you continue to behave like this, don't blame me for turning my face away!" Tang Yichen's chest was about to explode, he just wanted to keep Yao Yuxing by his side, is it that difficult!
Why did everyone persuade him to let Yao Yuxing go?

Yao Yuxing is a woman he has spent a lot of time training, why should he let her go and make other men cheaper?
So what if she was his niece?

Before selling her, he had no connection with her at all, and he didn't feel that they were related by blood at all!
"Yichen! If you continue like this, something will happen sooner or later. It will not only harm you, but also bring more troubles to Yao Yuxing. When you want to let go, it may be too late!" Du Ling Heng said hastily.

They had always known about Yao Yuxing's existence, but they didn't expect things to become so complicated.

Tang Yichen is a man who is dedicated to his feelings. As for the appearance of Yao Yuxing, at most they thought it was Tang Yichen just using it as a shield to annoy Qin Suya, but who would have thought that Yao Yuxing actually gave birth to a son for Tang Yichen!
In this society, it is not allowed and recognized!
(End of this chapter)

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