Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 90 Who did you go out with

Chapter 90 Who did you go out with

"Little fish, are you awake?" Suddenly a warm voice came in.

Yao Yuxing turned around and saw the joy on Du Lingheng's face.

"Doctor Du, why didn't you wake me up after get off work?" Yao Yuxing stepped forward and handed him the coat in his hand, "Thank you for the coat."

"I was busy at that time, and I wanted to postpone the time with you. When I came over, I saw that you were sleeping, so I didn't bother you." Du Lingheng said softly.

In fact, it was because he didn't dare to disturb her, and when he saw her sleeping soundly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, as if he was preoccupied.

"I'm sorry." Yao Yuxing said shyly.

"It's okay, I didn't have lunch anyway, why don't you accompany me to the opposite side to have something to eat, and buy something for Nian Xuan by the way." Du Lingheng suggested.

On the floor-to-ceiling windows, a young man and woman sat facing each other. The man handed out a handkerchief to wipe the stains from the corners of the mouth of the woman sitting opposite.

The woman, on the other hand, enjoyed the service of the man from the opposite side as a matter of course.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of Tang Yichen who was on the side of the road outside the window, but it was deeply painful.

"President, shall we still go to Miss Yao?" Assistant Xu was sitting in the car, fidgeting.

He looked at the president's gloomy face, which was scary.

The president has been busy with meetings all morning, and even moved forward the meetings of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to today. As soon as the meeting was over, the president asked him to drive to the hospital, and even asked him to take a few days off.

The president gave himself a vacation and came to the hospital again, one can imagine why.

"..." Tang Yichen just got out of the car with a sullen face, and carrying something, the indifferent and tall figure disappeared at the gate of the hospital.

Seeing this, Assistant Xu continued to cast his gaze on the men and women who were dining opposite. How could Ms. Yao have dinner with other men at this time?
And that man had to be the CEO's best brother, Miss Yao was undoubtedly embarrassing the CEO.

He shook his head helplessly, the president's face just now was so gloomy, as if someone owed him something.

After Assistant Xu parked the car, he followed Tang Yichen's footsteps.

Tang Yichen walked to the ward where Nian Xuan lived, opened the door and went in, and saw Nian Xuan was sitting quietly on the bed watching anime.

He walked over, put his things aside, stabilized his footsteps beside the bed, and looked down at Nian Xuan, "Nian Xuan, are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry, Mommy went out to buy me something to eat." Nian Xuan put down the remote control in his hand, looked up at Tang Yichen, and said tremblingly.

"When did you go out, and who did you go with?" Tang Yichen asked coldly with a sullen face.

Nian Xuan looked at Tang Yichen's face, his body trembled suddenly, and he quickly hid under the quilt, sobbing softly.

Tang Yichen's dark expression really frightened Nian Xuan.

"President, your complexion is very serious, this will scare the young master." Seeing this, Assistant Xu hurriedly stepped forward to explain.

Tang Yichen also realized that he was going too far, so he calmed down, then opened a chair, sat down beside him, stretched out his hand and gently pulled the quilt away, helped Nian Xuan up, and said in a low voice: "Nian Xuan, Are you hungry? See what delicious food I brought you."

He deliberately asked the servants at home to cook porridge and prepare meals. After the meeting, he took the meals from home before coming to the hospital.

The housekeeper has been taking care of these efforts all the time, but he deliberately took time out today and gave himself a few days of vacation, just to prove to her that he has changed his mind, and he wants her to see his tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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