Chapter 97 talk about marriage
"That's the way to deal with this matter, let Yao Yuxing stay by Yichen's side, I'm worried that she will ruin Yichen, our Tang family is counting on Yichen, this family will have to be taken care of by Yichen in the future. "Cen Lixiang said earnestly.

After Cen Lixiang finished speaking, she seemed to think of something, so she said to Shi Minmei: "Minmei, Shangguan Jinhuan is coming over for dinner tonight, no matter what, you have to find a way to get Yichen back. Make them younger Shangguan Jinhuan is a good girl, and the relationship world is clean, and the Tang family and the Shangguan family can be regarded as family friends. If they get married, it will be good for the alliance of the two families."

People from Shangguan's family also came to Tang's family, hoping that the two families could get closer. In addition, Tang Yichen and Shangguan Jinhuan have reached the age of marriage, so it is time to settle down.

Shi Minmei nodded, then put away the report on the coffee table, "I'll take this and put it away first."

After Shi Minmei put away the report, she called Tang Yichen, but it was Assistant Xu who answered the phone.

Assistant Xu said that Tang Yichen was in a meeting and didn't bring his mobile phone.After Shi Minmei put down her phone, she changed her clothes, took the car keys and drove directly to Tang Yichen's office.

I don't know when the gap between her and her son will be untied.

"Ma'am, why are you here?" Assistant Xu was taken aback when he saw Shi Minmei appearing in the office. Not long after the phone was put down, Shi Minmei had already arrived in the office, "The president is still in a meeting, you first Sit down for a while, and I'll get someone to make you a cup of coffee."

"Don't bother, I'll sit and wait for him, if you have something to do, go do it." Shi Minmei sat down on the sofa and said lightly.

Assistant Xu retreated in response.

Nearly half an hour later, Tang Yichen just finished all the meetings. He opened the door and came in intending to take a rest, but he didn't expect to see his mother appear in the office, and he was stunned when he opened the door.

Then he recovered quickly, and he walked in coldly, with a calm face and a calm voice: "Mom, what do you want?"

"I have nothing to do, so I can't come and see you?" Shi Minmei felt her son's estrangement from her, her heart skipped a beat, she was a little disappointed, but she always maintained a glamorous temperament, without any expression Show it on your face.

"I'm very busy, so hurry up if you have anything to say." Tang Yichen also ignored Shi Minmei, walked straight to the desk, opened the laptop, and typed on the keyboard quickly.

"Yichen, do you still blame your mother for sending you to live and study abroad?" Shi Minmei was heartbroken, seeing her son's indifferent expression, she felt very uncomfortable.

Tang Yichen's hands typing on the keyboard stopped, he raised his eyes slightly, and his tightly pressed lips moved slightly: "You are my mother, how dare I blame you, blame you? On the contrary, I am more grateful to you for your kindness back then. Ruthless, let me fend for myself in a foreign country, without feeling the warmth of family affection, that's why I was able to develop a cold-blooded, ruthless and decisive character, and solved many things for me in the mall."

Tang Yichen stood up and looked at Shi Minmei condescendingly, "Mom, for so many years, you have ignored me, even no matter how much wronged I have suffered outside, when I wanted to absorb the warmth of my family, where were you?" ? When I was sick, there was no one to take care of me. Where were you? Every Chinese solar term, I wanted to go home, but how did you refuse me? When the Tang family was in danger, I was the one who came to the rescue. In your eyes, I am just a money-making tool!"

(End of this chapter)

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