Yellow River Craftsman

Chapter 37 Pink Eye Disease

Chapter 37 Pink Eye Disease

Although I slept very late last night, I was woken up by Gu Meidi early in the morning, and my drowsiness disappeared.

Gu Meidi soaked two bowls of instant noodles and handed a bowl to me. The two of us sat on the bed facing each other, chatting while eating instant noodles.

Gu Meidi asked me: "Tuoba Gu, tell me the truth, did you go to see Miss Hua last night?"

When asked this question, Gu Meidi ate the instant noodles loudly.

I felt a strong murderous intent, and quickly shook my head in denial: "No! Really not!"

Gu Meidi continued to ask, as if interrogating a prisoner, "Then where did you go with Professor Ye? It's so mysterious, why did you come back in the middle of the night?"

I lowered my voice and said, "To tell you the truth, we went to do something big!"

Gu Meidi immediately became interested: "What's the big deal?"

After I finished eating the instant noodles, I reached out and wiped my mouth casually, and pulled out a big black bag that was placed under the bed.

"What is this?" Gu Meidi asked curiously.

"Just look at it and you'll know!" I unzipped the zipper with a bang, and the cold weapon lay quietly inside the bag.

"My god!" Gu Meidi exclaimed in surprise, " went to rob a bank? Did you kill people and get more money?"

"Hush! Shh!" I hastily made a silent gesture: "Grandma, please keep your voice down! Keep your voice down! These are the expedition equipment we bought!"

Gu Meidi jumped out of bed, touched the guns and ammunition in surprise: "Where did you buy them? This is illegal!"

I told Gu Meidi what happened last night in detail, and told her that all these expedition equipments were bought from an underground merchant nicknamed "Erlang Shen".

I said: "Actually, I thought the same as you did. I thought it was a crime. But Professor Ye didn't take it seriously. He said that he bought these weapons and equipment to protect himself. If you don't carry some powerful heat with you Weapons, we may be unable to move an inch and lose our lives at any time!"

Having said that, I paused, and said in a low voice: "I think Professor Ye seems to have a lot of secrets!"

Gu Meidi said: "A lot of secrets? Do you mean the purchase of weapons? In fact, I don't think there is any problem. Archaeologists go through life and death all year round. There is nothing wrong with Professor Ye buying weapons from these underground businessmen to protect himself?"

I opened my mouth and stopped talking.I didn't continue talking, if I continued, I would have to bring up the matter of the white jade toad. I promised Professor Ye that I would keep it a secret for him.Although I had some doubts about Professor Ye, Professor Ye didn't do anything suspicious, so this matter is over.

Gu Meidi said: "Tuoba Gu, why don't you go to sleep for a while, your eyes are as red as a rabbit's!"

"Hey!" I smiled: "Don't talk about me, you don't look in the mirror, your own eyes are red. Could it be that you cried because you missed me so much last night?"

Gu Mei Di gave me a big foot: "Fuck you! Stop dreaming!"

Gu Meidi and I were chatting one after another, and the sky soon dawned.

Grandpa and Professor Ye also got up very early and asked us to go downstairs to have breakfast together.

While having breakfast, I saw that Professor Ye's eyes were also red, and he looked like he hadn't slept well.

I went to the nearby pharmacy and bought a bottle of eye drops. I asked Gu Meidi and Professor Ye to instill a few drops, and then I also instilled a few drops myself, trying to relieve the symptoms of eye redness.It's scary to go out with such red eyes. People who don't know it think we have pink eye disease.

Because our expedition equipment has not yet arrived, we can't leave for the Yellow River Cave right away.Erlang God promised us three days, so that's good, we can take this opportunity to rest for a few days.

During these three days, we put aside all our troubles and sorrows, enjoyed ourselves in Yinchuan, a city on the south of the Yangtze River, and tasted various delicacies.We went to many scenic spots and famous buildings, such as Nanguan Mosque, Haibao Pagoda and so on.

Of course, when you come to Yinchuan, you must go to the famous Xixia City.Xixia City, formerly known as "Hengcheng Castle", is located in Lingwu City on the east bank of the Yellow River, near the Yellow River Bridge in Yinchuan, only eight kilometers away from Yinchuan.Pass through the city gate and enter the Xixia City thousands of years ago. The thick city walls completely isolate the hustle and bustle of the world, and the tall turrets make people feel inexplicable awe.Especially when the setting sun falls on the city wall made of thick bricks and soil, as long as you close your eyes a little, it is as if time and space are reversed, dreaming back to the Xixia Dynasty thousands of years ago.

In addition to the beautiful scenery, the delicious food in Yinchuan is also spread all over the streets and alleys. Gu Mei Di dragged me all day long, running around like a gluttonous child, and almost caught all the local delicacies, such as hand-caught lamb, crispy chicken, steamed Lamb meat, fish in milk soup pot, elbow with a handle, etc., made our mouths full of oil and left us with endless aftertaste.

Among them, what I can't forget the most is the local steamed lamb meat. The lamb meat in Ningxia is tender and delicious without any smell.The lamb meat is selected from the breast fork and the upper spine, put ginger, green onion, and raw Zanthoxylum bungeanum on the cage and steam for about 10 minutes.Then put it on the soup plate and serve it with vinegar, garlic juice, salt and other seasonings.Although the method is simple, it is fragrant and delicious, and it is paired with cold beer. I eat it so that my face is full of oil, and I almost swallowed the plate.

On the evening of the third day, according to the agreement, Erlang Shen sent a subordinate to deliver the sonar detector we needed to the hotel room.Professor Ye paid the balance, and the subordinate happily left with a pocket full of cash.Professor Ye told us to have a good rest tonight, recharge our energy, and leave the boat tomorrow morning.

The next morning, we got up early.I stretched comfortably and felt refreshed.However, what surprised me was that when I was washing, I found that my eyes were still red, but I went to bed very early last night.

Just when I was wondering, Gu Meidi walked into the bathroom. She looked at me and said in amazement: "Tuobagu, why are your eyes so red? You didn't sleep last night? Ah! Are you next to me?" Looked at me lewdly all night?"

I washed my face with cold water depressedly: "Miss, I am not as evil as you think! Don't talk about me, come and look in the mirror, your own eyes are all red!"

Gu Meidi walked up to the mirror and took a picture: "It's strange, why are my eyes also red? Tuobagu, don't we have pink eye disease?"

I said, "I thought about it too, but apart from the redness, the eyes didn't feel itchy or hurt. There were no symptoms at all!"

Gu Meidi said to himself: "It may be that the wind and sand here are too strong, the sun is too strong, and the climate is too dry. Our eyes are not used to it!"

After packing up our things, we ate a hearty breakfast in the hotel restaurant, then hired a taxi and headed straight to the pier.

Before leaving the ship, Professor Ye installed a sonar detector on the bow. When we asked him what he did for installing the sonar detector, Professor Ye explained: “The sonar detector is a method that uses the propagation characteristics of sound waves under water. Acoustic conversion and information processing, electronic equipment to complete underwater detection and communication tasks. We don’t know anything about the waters below the cave. If we rush into the water, it may be bad luck, so I bought this sonar detector specially. It is used to detect the strange world below the waters, and try to minimize the danger!"

After half a day of sailing, we entered the Yellow River Cave again.This time we carried advanced modern weapons on our bodies, so we naturally had more confidence in our hearts, and we were not as scared as we were when we entered the cave for the first time.

After the tin boat entered the cave, Professor Ye slowly put the black sonar detector into the water.There is a data cable on the sonar detector, and the data cable is connected to a laptop computer.The sonar detector continuously emits sound waves underwater, and then converts the sound waves into three-dimensional information images and displays them on the computer screen.This allows us to sit in the cabin and see the underwater scene intuitively from the computer.

A line image with different heights and shapes appeared on the screen. Professor Ye said: "Did you see that, these lines show the rocks at the bottom of the water!"

Gu Meidi pointed to the small red dots in the middle of the rocks and said, "Then what are these moving red dots?"

I interjected: "Hey, isn't this simple? In my opinion, these red dots are fish swimming at the bottom!"

Professor Ye nodded appreciatively: "Smart!"

After entering the second cave, a large area of ​​gray-white shadows appeared on the screen. Those shadows were floating at the bottom of the water, surrounding the iron boat, looking like ghosts from the bottom of the water, which was creepy.

Gu Meidi asked anxiously again: "This... what is this thing? It can't be a resentful spirit, right?"

I said: "Don't be suspicious there, there are no ghosts, I think these gray and white shadows look like... like those floating corpses, which are what the locals call water floaters!"

Professor Ye looked at me: "Tuoba Gu, I agree with you, I also think these gray and white shadows are floating corpses at the bottom of the water!"

The iron boat chugs towards the center of the pool, and when it comes under the black coffin, Grandpa turns off the engine.

Professor Ye took out three waterproof backpacks from the cabin, handed two of them to Gu Meidi and me, and said in a deep voice, "Get ready to go into the water!"

Grandpa asked, "Why don't you have my backpack?"

Professor Ye said, "Old man, you stay on the boat!"

Grandpa said: "Why don't you let me go into the water with you? Do you think I'm a burden?"

Professor Ye patiently explained: "Old man, you see where your words are going. We have to stay on the ship with one person to respond. In addition to guarding the ship, we also need to observe the detector on it. Once danger is found, send the message in time. Send it to us, so your position is very important, the lives of the three of us are in your hands, do you understand?"

Grandpa scratched his head embarrassingly: "Understood! I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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