Yellow River Craftsman

Chapter 86 The Underwater Pyramid

Chapter 86 The Underwater Pyramid

Hearing Lao Luo's yell, the people sticking to the rock wall raised their wolf eyes one after another, and looked towards the center of the lake.

Several dazzling white lights shot towards the center of the lake. Although I couldn't see it clearly, I still got a vague glimpse.There is a magnificent building standing in the middle of the lake. Because of the distance and the light problem, we didn't notice it before.

How could there be a building in the middle of the lake?
Under the white light, we looked at the building curiously. Judging from the hazy outline, the building turned out to be like a... pyramid? !right!A pyramid!

My god, how could there be a pyramid standing at a depth of more than [-] meters underground?The size of the pyramid is actually not large, but it looks very imposing at the bottom of this deep well.Many people exclaimed, no one thought that there would be a pyramid standing here, which completely exceeded the imagination of all of us.

Our curiosity was immediately piqued, who built this pyramid here?What were the pyramids built for?

Since entering Devil City, too many secrets have plagued us, and I feel like my head is about to explode.There seems to be a ball of wool in my mind, with many balls of thread entangled here and there, but I can't find where the thread ends are.

"Let's go and have a look!" Lao Luo suggested.

Professor Ye was a little hesitant. He pondered for a while and asked for everyone's opinions: "What do you think?"

"Go! Of course we have to go!" Wang Dongyu looked very excited. In his opinion, there must be many priceless treasures hidden in this pyramid.

Liu Hanhao's eyes narrowed: "Of course I'm going, this is an opportunity to make a fortune, so don't let it go to waste!"

"Go!" Hao Mengkang's answer was concise and powerful.

"I agree too!" Li Yingxin said.

"I...I don't really want to go!" After all, Han Jing is a girl, and she flinched a little.

"What about you?" Wang Dongyu asked Gan Hongxin.

"I...I..." Gan Hongxin couldn't speak for a long time.

Wang Dongyu was a little anxious: "Go, just go, don't pull it down, don't be like a bitch, you're so tight!"

"Go!" Gan Hongxin also expressed his position.

"What about you?" Professor Ye asked Gu Meidi and me for advice.

In fact, to be honest, I don’t really want to go there. The monsters in the water have not been figured out yet, and there is a pyramid standing in the middle of the lake. There are strange things everywhere in the Devil City. I bet that there is 100% danger in the pyramid.Our purpose was to find holy water to detoxify. Now that we have accomplished this purpose, we should leave as soon as possible.But although I thought so in my heart, I still agreed to go, because I saw that the vast majority of people voted for it. If I opposed it, it might destroy the unity and harmony of the entire team.Besides, it is thanks to this group of people that we were able to get here safely, and I don't care what they mean.

After making a decision, one by one, they undid the safety buckles and jumped into the lake, just like dumplings falling into the water, plopping.Before entering the water, they put their weapons into their backpacks. Our combat backpacks are waterproof, so we don't have to worry about our weapons getting wet.

"Let's go!" Wang Dongyu yelled, and swam towards the pyramid in the middle of the lake first.

"This Northeast steamed bun thinks there are mountains of gold and silver waiting for him to take it in the pyramid!" Gu Meidi curled her lips. She and I are both professional archaeologists, and it is difficult for us to understand the mentality of these people in the world.Perhaps in their view, wealth is indeed more important than life.

I took a deep breath and slowly sank into the water. I like to swim like a fish, which is called "catch and blind" in our side.My legs slapped the waves lightly and I pushed forward effortlessly.I am very good at holding my breath. I once dived 300 meters in one breath. My friends all said that I have two lungs.In fact, these underwater skills are really nothing to people who grew up by the Yellow River, they are just a piece of cake.

I seemed to have entered a new world, surrounded by silence, and there was a circle of light in the water, which was illuminated by the wolf eyes in my hand.

Just as I was swimming comfortably, a feeling of uneasiness suddenly came from my left rear. This feeling was very strong, and it was an instinctive awareness of the approaching danger, which was tempered after many life-and-death cycles consciousness.

I kicked my legs suddenly, and the whole person swished three or four meters, and then turned slightly sideways to the right to avoid.A group of fuzzy white shadows passed by my left side at once. The speed of the white shadows was very fast. It is fleeting in front of my eyes.


I was suddenly startled by that strange face, all the air in my lungs leaked, my mouth opened, and the cold lake water poured into my mouth, choking me so much that I just wanted to vomit.I quickly paddled my limbs, rushed out of the water, and breathed in the oxygen outside.

"Tuobagu, are you alright?" Gu Meidi swam up from behind and saw that my expression was not quite right.

I coughed twice, spat out the accumulated water in my chest, and said with lingering fear: "Face! There is a strange face underwater!"

"Strange face?!" Gu Meidi looked at me suspiciously, seeing that I didn't look like I was lying: "Could it be the monster that shed the fish skin?"

When Gu Meidi said this, I suddenly remembered the fish skin with a human face that I met on the shore just now. The more I thought about it, the more I felt it, and my scalp couldn't help but tingle. The monster was under this water.

"There's something underwater, hurry to the pyramid!" Gu Meidi warned others of the danger.

Everyone didn't make a sound, and speeded up to swim forward. The distance was not long, and they quickly swam under the pyramid.

Looking up at this underwater pyramid at a close distance, there is a kind of majestic momentum rushing to the face.The pyramid is about 20 meters high and is divided into three floors. The floor area of ​​the bottom floor is about [-] square meters.If this pyramid is placed on the ground, it is a six-story house, and it does not have much momentum, but in this special environment, its momentum is different.

"Let's find out where the entrance is separately!" Professor Ye said.

We were divided into two groups independently, one group circled from left to right, and the other group circled from right to left, and swam around the pyramid for a full circle. No one saw the entrance of the pyramid. Buckle up on the lake.Doesn't this pyramid have an entrance?impossible!

As expected of his rich experience, Professor Ye asked us to dive underwater to find it after he pondered for a while.According to his speculation, the entrance to the pyramid is likely to be underwater.

Sure enough, in less than 2 minutes, Lao Luo surfaced and waved to us: "The entrance is on the west side of the pyramid!"

We came to the west of the pyramid, slowly sank into the water, and dived less than five meters. The aperture of the wolf's eyes flickered slightly, and we saw the entrance of the pyramid at a glance.The entrance is about three meters wide, like a hollowed-out stone wall. Two lifelike stone sculptures of boa constrictors are chiseled on both sides of the entrance. ", and then stood up high, like two majestic guards.There may be some kind of red jade inlaid in the stone snake's eyes, which faintly glows with dark red blood, making it look particularly terrifying and hideous under the water.

Professor Ye turned his head and gestured at us. When he swam into the entrance of the pyramid first, we followed suit one by one.

After swimming for a few meters, we stepped on a stone ladder, walked up a few steps along the stone ladder, turned a corner, and left the water. However, a thick stone gate blocked our way like a tiger in the way. way to go.

Professor Ye raised his wolf eyes and looked up. The light circle fell on the stone gate, and he couldn't help but startled everyone, because the stone gate was full of chiseled eyeball patterns, one after another, densely covering the entire area. facade.And those eyeball patterns don't know what was painted on, the light fell on the stone gate, and the blood red light appeared in those eyeballs in an instant, the feeling was so real, just like watching a 3D movie, the things in the movie suddenly appeared and surfaced In front of you, so we were all taken aback just now.

Professor Ye pressed his palm on the stone door and pushed it tentatively, but the stone door remained motionless.

"It looks like this is a trap door!" Professor Ye said.

We can't help but wonder, the things on the stone gate are clear at a glance, except for these blood-red eyeball patterns, there is nothing. If it is a trap door, then where is the trap hidden?

"Liu Hanhao, come and take a look!" Professor Ye knew that the Liu family was an expert in the tomb mechanism, so he asked Liu Hanhao to come forward and study.

But Liu Hanhao studied carefully for a long while, but he couldn't find the mechanism. When he was wondering, Lao Luo suddenly walked up to the stone gate without saying a word. He pulled out the silver scimitar, raised his right hand, and swiped hard in the palm of his hand. , blood gushed out all of a sudden.Then, under our surprised and inexplicable eyes, Lao Luo calmly pressed his bleeding palm on the stone gate.

When I opened my mouth to ask Lao Luo what he was doing, something amazing happened.

I saw that there seemed to be a strange suction force inside that stone gate, which actually sucked all the blood in Lao Luo's palm.Starting from Lao Luo's palm, the blood spread in all directions at a rapid speed, and soon spread all over the facade, like strange blood flowers.

Stimulated by the blood, the eyeball pattern on the facade became even more bloody, and each eyeball protruded from the facade like a three-dimensional pattern, as if it was about to fly towards us.

Immediately afterwards, those bloody eyeballs slowly rotated on the stone gate, making us dizzy and thrilled.

There seemed to be howls of countless resentful spirits coming from the top of the stone gate, wow wow wow, we were all covered in white sweat.

Suddenly, the blood on the stone gate flashed, and all the blood was sucked into the eyeball patterns in an instant, leaving no blood stains or traces on the stone gate.

Just when we were too surprised to make a sound, there was a buzzing vibration from the ground, and then, the strange stone door covered with eyeball patterns slowly rose up in our astonished eyes.

The stone gate is open!
The stone gate actually opened!
Although we guessed that this is a mechanism door, no one would have thought that the mechanism to open the stone door would be to use blood!

So, how did Lao Luo know this?

(End of this chapter)

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