60s happy life

Chapter 104 Arrangement

Chapter 104 Arrangement
There is no way to choose everyone's origin, but we can change our destiny.If you don't change, then you will live a lifetime, a miserable life.

Liu Xiaoying slowed down, and said: "You never thought about doing something else and living on your own." She knew that she had to hand over all her wages from her previous work.

"How is it possible? Without a job, what else can I do?" Wang Yuedi didn't think of any other way out at all. She felt in her heart that only getting married could change her fate.

But if she were to marry an old bachelor, what fate would she have?It was even more uncomfortable than letting her die!
Hearing what she said, Liu Xiaoying hated iron for being weak.With hands and feet, can you starve to death when you leave home?

"Why are you so worthless? It's not like you can't work. Isn't it okay to find a factory to work?" Liu Xiaoying said.

Wang Yue gave her a strange look, and said: "Without an introducer, how could it be possible to enter the factory? Unless you have a diploma, no one will accept it."

Liu Xiaoying was a little embarrassed, how could she know these things, "My husband does everything for me at work, and I don't understand."

"Your man is really kind to you. I wish I had someone who treats me so well." Wang Yue looked at Liu Xiaoying enviously, feeling quite bored.

"In the future, you will also meet people who treat you well." Liu Xiaoying didn't know what to say, so she could only comfort her like this.

"I hope so." Wang Yue looked at Liu Xiaoying and continued: "I still have to go, I have nowhere to go here, and I'm also afraid that my family will find me."

"Then have you decided where to go?" Liu Xiaoying had no way to help her, so she could only ask.

"I... I don't know either." Wang Yue's eyes were confused.

Seeing that it was still early, Liu Xiaoying said, "You wait at home, I'll go out for a while."

"Oh, then you go." Wang Yue thought that Liu Xiaoying asked her to help watch the house, so she nodded in agreement.

When Liu Xiaoying went out, she went to the old Yang's house next door. Yang Lixin had just finished eating, so he was quite surprised to see Liu Xiaoying when he opened the door.I don't usually see her come to the door on my own initiative. Could it be that things are ready?
"Yingzi is here, come in and sit down." Yang Lixin enthusiastically called for her to enter the room.

Liu Xiaoying followed him in with a smile. Of course she knew that Yang Lixin must have thought that she had prepared things.It's a pity that she is ready, but now is not the time to take out things, the immediate thing is to solve Wang Yue's matter.

"Uncle Yang, I'm not here to deliver something to you today. I'm here to ask you something, but don't worry, the things will arrive in two days." Liu Xiaoying sat on the edge of the kang and said with a smile.

Yang Lixin didn't expect that Liu Xiaoying would ask him for something, which was quite unexpected. "Just say what you want, if you ask for something, if Uncle Yang can help you, then it's not a big deal."

Knowing that these were all polite words, Liu Xiaoying said without letter, "I have a friend who wants to find a job now, can you help me?"

When Yang Lixin heard that he was looking for a job, he felt a bit embarrassed. Although he could talk in the factory, he didn't have any quota.

Besides, it wasn't that she said to help find one, so she had to find one for her.

Just as Yang Lixin wanted to refuse, he was attracted by what Liu Xiaoying brought out.

Liu Xiaoying took out a men's watch that cost more than 50 yuan from the space. Don't look at the cheapness of the watch, the things are definitely not as good as it is now.

Just like this watch, there are better ones in her space.It's just that he can't tell the good or the bad when it comes to giving gifts, as long as there is one.

"This is for Uncle Yang, why don't you take it and try it?" Liu Xiaoying picked out all the things that were about the same size.Pass him the watch in his hand and let him put it on.

Yang Lixin wiped his hands, took the silver men's watch carefully, and looked at it curiously.

Seeing him, Liu Xiaoying just stared at him without wearing it, and said, "Uncle Yang, don't just look at it, try wearing it."

Yang Lixin said with a smile: "I have never seen such a beautiful watch in my life, and there are English on it." This watch looks like a valuable thing, and the watch is a big one at this time.

"Uncle Yang, this watch is made from abroad. It's better not to wear it outside. Even if you wear it, don't let others see it." Liu Xiaoying instructed.

Yang Lixin knew that things were so precious, so he couldn't say anything more.Short-handed, short-mouthed, he said: "I will write to you when I get off work tomorrow. The job must be arranged for you, but I can't say what kind of job it is."

One of Yang Lixin's colleagues has two quotas in his hand, so he can bring some gifts to come over. This watch is definitely worth one quota.

"It's okay, then I'll trouble Uncle Yang." Liu Xiaoying heard that there was a job, so that's fine. Anyway, she gave such an expensive gift, so he was embarrassed to find a job as a cleaner, right?
Liu Xiaoying was right in thinking, and Yang Lixin had thought about it too, he must find someone a similar job, right?

She glanced at the child at Yang's house, teased him for a while, and then went back.Wang Yue is still waiting at her home, don't tell her yet, wait for Yang Lixin's news tomorrow.

Back home, Wang Yue was still sitting on the kang thinking about things, she didn't even notice that Liu Xiaoying entered the room.

"What's wrong with you?" Liu Xiaoying patted her on the shoulder.

Wang Yue was taken aback, "Oh my god, when did you come back?"

Liu Xiaoying smiled and said: "I just came back, what are you thinking about, so engrossed."

"It's nothing." Seeing that it was getting dark outside, Wang Yue said, "I'll go first, it's getting late, you should rest earlier."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, she got up and was about to leave.

Liu Xiaoying grabbed her hand and said, "Stay here tonight, and we'll talk about it tomorrow. Where can you go in the middle of the night?"

Wang Yue didn't expect that she would stay overnight. After eating a meal, she was already quite embarrassed, how could she still live in someone else's house. "No, Yingzi, thank you."

With tears in her eyes, she sincerely said thank you.

Liu Xiaoying felt sorry for her, did she become like this after being cheated by a man?

She seemed to recall that she was also like this before, she was deceived, and she was willing to let others continue to be deceived.

For Liu Xiaoying, these things seemed to have passed for a long time, so long that his memory was blurred.

"Listen to me, why are you being polite to me? Anyway, I live alone, so you just stay here for the night." Liu Xiaoying had a tough attitude, and forced her to not let her go.

Wang Yue cried aloud, lowered her head, "Thank you, Yingzi, why are you so kind to me."

Liu Xiaoying didn't know either, maybe she saw her past life, or maybe she just simply felt sorry for her.

"We are friends..." Liu Xiaoying raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder, letting her cry.

 Thanks to book friends 907, book friends 201, Zai we marry you, and bloodthirsty break dawn for sending monthly tickets, thank you babies.

  I have lost a lot of collections, and I am facing a fee. I also want to get it, but thank you for being with me.

  The next update is at night.

(End of this chapter)

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