60s happy life

Chapter 108

Chapter 108
"I'll make you something to eat first, and I have to go to work." In a hurry, Liu Xiaoying made millet porridge for her, and hurried to work after eating.

After arriving at the food factory, Liu Yuxuan found Liu Xiaoying with a bad face.

"Have you met Shao Yuanshan?" He stared at Liu Xiaoying's face, not missing any expression.

When Liu Xiaoying was at home, she had already thought that he would come to ask herself.

"No, what's the matter? She didn't come yesterday." Liu Xiaoying looked at him suspiciously, expressing that she didn't know.

Liu Yuxuan took a deep look at her, and said suspiciously: "When you see her, remember to tell me that she stole the important ledger from the food factory."

What important ledger?It's just a small ledger for your personal hunger, and it will also ask for a small ledger for your secret life.

"Okay, I see." Liu Xiaoying nodded believing it was true.

"Oh, that's right." Liu Yuxuan was about to leave, but suddenly turned around and said, "She's not here these two days, you are in charge of the accounting work, you should pay more attention."

"Yes." Liu Xiaoying has long been familiar with the work of accounting these days, and it is still possible to do this kind of thing.

Liu Yuxuan is not talking nonsense, he is very anxious now, if he can't find Shao Yuanshan for a day, he will always be in danger.

Seeing her leave, Liu Xiaoying breathed a sigh of relief.She didn't know if Liu Yuxuan saw anything, anyway, she felt that there should be no flaws.

On this day, Liu Xiaoying never saw Liu Yuxuan again, thinking in her heart that this person must have gone out to find someone.

Liu Xiaoying was cautious, and did not breathe a sigh of relief until she got off work.

On the way home, Liu Xiaoying bought some vegetables and some big bones that don't use meat tickets, and she was going to make up for Shao Yuanshan.

Instead of going to the hospital, I can only rely on medicine to eat.This Liu Yuxuan is really bad enough.

On the way back, Liu Xiaoying met Wang Yue. She was at the intersection of the alley and was about to go in.

Liu Xiaoying called to stop her and said, "Wang Yue."

Wang Yue turned her head and saw Liu Xiaoying carrying a lot of vegetables, her eyes flickered slightly, she walked over and said, "You bought so many things, you know I'm coming?"

"Why, did you remember coming to my place today?" Liu Xiaoying looked at her and smiled.

"Well, let's come to see you. By the way, you bought so many things. Someone came from home?" Wang Yue said with her eyes fluttering.

Liu Xiaoying subconsciously felt that something was wrong with her, and changed the words when she came to her lips. "Well, my family is here. They are waiting for dinner. I can't keep you today."

There was some disappointment in Wang Yue's eyes, but she still didn't give up. "I'm going to see it too?"?
"It's not good, after all, you don't know each other." The more Liu Xiaoying looked at her, the more she felt that something was wrong, and she didn't want her to go to her house.

Wang Yue couldn't force her anymore, she could only nod her head, "Okay then, I'll come to see you next time."

Liu Xiaoying watched her leave and went home frowning.

After closing the door, she entered the room and saw Shao Yuanshan drinking water in the kitchen.

"Are you feeling better?" Liu Xiaoying asked.

"It's much better." Shao Yuanshan said weakly.

Liu Xiaoying soaked the big bones she bought in cold water.

"Liu Yuxuan is looking for you everywhere now, you must not go out." Liu Xiaoying instructed.

Immediately, she remembered Wang Yue who she met just now, and subconsciously said: "Don't open the door when others knock, and don't make any noise, just pretend that there is no one at home. No one can open the door if you knock, I have the key myself."

Seeing her serious expression, Shao Yuanshan nodded and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I met Wang Yue just now, she is very strange, she always wanted to come to my house." Liu Xiaoying thought of her expression and felt very strange.

"Is there anything wrong with her coming to your house? Why do you think so?" Shao Yuanshan lay on the kang and looked at her.

Liu Xiaoying frowned, folded her arms and said, "I just think something is wrong with her, and you can't open the door when she knocks! Even if you are about to die at the door, you can't open it either."

"Uh...Okay." Shao Yuanshan nodded, after all, it was her home, so she had the final say.

During the few days Shao Yuanshan stayed here, Liu Xiaoying cooked for her every day and bought her medicine (medicine in the space).

She felt quite guilty in her heart, ashamed to bother people so much, and her body was almost recovered, at least she could walk.

On the day Liu Xiaoying went to work, Shao Yuanshan was walking in the yard. She was going to leave tomorrow, so she couldn't bother Liu Xiaoying anymore.

At this moment, the door was knocked suddenly.Shao Yuanshan was about to ask who it was, but remembered what Liu Xiaoying said two days ago, so she stopped talking.

She walked lightly to the side of the barn and listened carefully to the movement outside the door.

"Is anyone home?" There was a call to the door from outside.

When Shao Yuanshan heard it, wasn't that Wang Yue's voice?But at this time Liu Xiaoying went to work, she couldn't possibly not know, how could she ask if there was anyone at home?

Shao Yuanshan didn't move, just quietly listening to the movement outside.

Not long after, Wang Yue's voice sounded again.

"No one, will she not be here. Am I wrong?"

She really was looking for herself!Shao Yuanshan thought to herself, but was very curious why she would look for her.

"Hmph, come back tomorrow, maybe she's not at home, so we can't just cross over like this."

A male voice sounded, and Shao Yuanshan's heart skipped a beat. She will never forget this voice in her life.

It was Liu Yuxuan's voice!
Liu Yuxuan stood outside the door, looked at Wang Yue with some disdain in his eyes, and said, "Wang Yue, you did a good job this time, don't worry, I will deal with that little bitch when I catch her. You also know that the one in my family is not easy to mess with, I can support you, but it is impossible to marry you in."

Seeing her disappointed face, Liu Yuxuan continued: "Although I am married to her, you have to remember that I love you."

Wang Yue looked at Liu Yuxuan, her eyes were full of emotion, listening to the words "I love you", she looked shy.

Liu Yuxuan sneered in his heart, looked at her with tenderness on his face, and said: "You have to go to work tomorrow, help me to see more, don't let that little bitch show up. Otherwise, I will be arrested, we two How do you have a good time?"

"Well, I see, don't worry." Wang Yue smiled and nodded, taking this matter seriously.

"Then let's go back first." Liu Yuxuan and Wang Yue's footsteps gradually moved away.

Shao Yuanshan in the yard listened to their conversation with a sarcastic expression.

This Wang Yue is really a dou who can't help her. She has been abandoned and hurt by others, yet she still believes in him.

Shao Yuanshan had heard and believed Liu Yuxuan's sweet words before, but unfortunately, they were nothing more than sweet poison.

 Thank you book friend 1611 for the monthly pass, as always, please recommend the monthly pass collection ~
  As always, the next update will be at night~
(End of this chapter)

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